Why Are You Interested in This Role? – Best Common Interview Response | #Indeed #Shorts
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Sometimes coming up with an answer to this common interview question can be tricky to correctly respond to. See an example response to help you practice so you can ace the question when asked next!
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*Comscore, Total Visits, June 2023
** Indeed Internal Data, average monthly unique visitors April – September 2023
#Indeed #CommonInterviewQuestions #InterviewTips
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More people find jobs on Indeed than anywhere else. Indeed is the #1 job site in the world* with over 350M+ unique visitors every month.** Indeed allows job seekers to search millions of jobs, post resumes, research companies and more in over 60 countries and 28 languages. And over 3 million employers use Indeed to find and hire new employees.
*Comscore, Total Visits, June 2023
** Indeed Internal Data, average monthly unique visitors April – September 2023
#Indeed #CommonInterviewQuestions #InterviewTips