10 Ways to Stay Attractive For Your Husband

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In this video, Marriage Expert Gail Crowder talks about 10 Ways to Stay Attractive for your Husband

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00:00 - Wife Life With Gail
01:15 - 10 Ways to Stay Attractive for your Husband


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Gail Crowder – Spicing Up marriages One Sexy Wife At A Time- Wife Life

In this video, Gail Crowder, marriage coach, sexologist and author talks about

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Your like the grandma i never had, beautiful advice. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.❤


*10 Steps: make him Attracted to You* by a man perspective.
1. Imperfections - *MEN DON'T CARE!* eat healthy, workout, & stay ready for Intimacy with him. *Love yourself*

2. *Respect + Listening is key* and implementing what your man tells you for your good and the marriage or relationship.

3. *LET LOOSE!* and Enjoy life *Let go of things you cannot control, and maintain the things you can, like how you treat each other daily and in times of hardship*

4. Take time for you is Great everyone needs it Hobbies, Meditation, Reading, Art etc. but *dont take too much time & become selfish and self absorbed*

5. *The same sexy things you did in the beginning, you must keep doing throughout the marriage or relationship* is *No.5 should be No.1* remember *No complacency ONLY Consistency & Commitment*

6. Stroke his Ego that's ok, *STROKE HIS D××× is better* excuse my boldness most men prefer *Actions over words* show him through your respect, reciprocation, responsibility to him and the relationship. Its NOT all about you Happy Wife, Happy life is lie, *Happy Spouse, Happy House! is the key* what you do for him, he will return to you.

7. *Excercise* it can be done together walks, runs, and sex is excercise aswell, *NO PERSONAL TRAINER NEEDED by anyone!* has cause issues with many

8. *Regular Sex* good for both him and her, it helps you stay connected mentally, physically, emotionally.

9. *Wear something RED! HELL YES!* Make-up, Lip stick, Nails, Heels. *DRESS UP FOR YOUR MAN Ladies!* and do it often. *Men are visual beings we love what we see* make him see, think, & desire you.

10. *Smile and Laugh more* yes *Stay a child at heart not in mind and body and there's nothing that will faze you or your relationship* - K. Lee28

Good Vid! Great work Ms

*NOTE:* This information is for mature minded individuals good men & woman, No Games or Hook ups, looking to understand marriage & relationships and the man & woman dynamics to be better for each other build familes & generations.


I asked my husband what I can do to be more attractive she he said a couple of these. You’re amazing and I appreciate your advice! ❤


Can you do a segment on sex while being new parents? Example How to keep intimacy alive with a little one around?
