COMPLETE Guide To Goal Setting: How To Set Massive Goals And Achieve Them

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Jungle Scout: #1 Amazon FBA Tool (Cheapest Price Available Online)

Shopify: Get 3 Months of Shopify For $1 (Best Deal Online)

Earnings Disclaimer: All earnings claims or income figures are not to be assumed as the average earnings of each student of Ecom Freedom. Earnings heavily vary. You may earn money or you may lose money, as with any business. Do not invest more than you are comfortable losing. We strive to provide the best quality of e-commerce and online business education to help you succeed.

Affiliate Disclaimer: The above Jungle Scout/Shopify links are affiliate links, which means I get a commission for each sign-up. This helps support the channel while giving me the opportunity to recommend powerful tools that work.

A complete guide to effectively setting the right goals and achieving them quickly. In this video, I dive into the powerful strategies that I've learned that allowed me to change my life in a matter of years and build a multi-million dollar business in a short amount of time.

This is the 1st video of the Freedom™ Goal Setting course, a complete step by step goal setting course.

I decided to release this course completely for free on my channel. I could easily charge hundreds of dollars for this course, but I want this information to reach as many people as possible so that more people know how to set goals, and how to actually achieve them.

Get the free tools here:

In this 1st video, I show you how to set a vision and then break it down into realistic goals using 3 steps:

1) Vision Tool - set your vision using the vision tool.
2) Goal Chunking - use the goal chunking method to reverse engineer your big goal into monthly and weekly goals.
3) Daily Rituals - rituals to practice daily to stay on track towards your goals.

Most people don't set any goals. They just helplessly drift through life like a flying plastic bag floating in the wind, not knowing where they're going, and wondering how they got in the situation they are in today...

One of the biggest secrets to my success, and something that I was able to discover early on my in life is how to correctly set massive goals and achieve them predictably and quickly.

It was not a coincidence, and it certainly wasn't chance.

It's because I followed the 3 step process I outlined above...

1) I decided what I wanted out of life
2) I broke down my vision into linear goals that automatically led me there
3) I wrote down my goals every day and visualized my ideal life

"Those who achieve the highest success in this world are people who know what they want."


I will respond to every single comment on this video, so feel free to ask me any questions that you have with planning out your 2020, achieving success, and any questions you have about using the tools.

Subscribe, and thank you for watching.

Call Ecom Freedom at: 1-866-326-6336 (9-5 PT)
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🚨 * WARNING * 🚨

The only real Dan Vas account is the one with a checkmark beside it. There are impersonators in the comment section trying to steal people's money by getting them to contact them through Whatsapp and other apps. If you see a 'Dan Vas' with my picture WITHOUT a checkmark, it is NOT me. You'll find my real comments/replies with a checkmark beside my name.

The best way to reach me is to add me on Instagram - @danvas and DM me through there. I answer DMs, feel free to send me a message/ask me anything.

Have an amazing day, to your freedom and success 🚀


My #1 goal it’s to begin my entrepreneurial journey with Amazon fba before the month of May.
I bought your course last year in January and when I was ready to launch my first product I got diagnosed with lupus and liver failure.
I fought to be well enough to start this journey. I feel like this is my year.


#1 Goal by 2023:

Have my parents not worry about money at all and be worth 5, 000, 000.

You changed my life, Dan. My first ever mentor.


I am learning lots from you. Huge Respect for your generosity. Good things will keep happening for you . Conceive, Believe and Achieve.


Give a man a fish you will feed him for a day teach a man to fish and you will feed him for life. Great work buddy always appreciate good people doing good things...


Subscribe + Thank you for watching!

Make sure to COMMENT your #1 goal down below - I will be responding to EVERY SINGLE comment on this video to make sure that I can help.


The first thing i come up with in my mind, is that you are actually real from within. You bring value without charging anything, so you will be paid big time eventually because of the value you brought. This all begins with being a good person. Thank you.


Who else is ready to crush 2020?! Thanks Dan! I absolutely love your videos and you have inspired me to create my own streams of income, starting with my YouTube channel (about planning and goal setting)! My biggest goal is to monatize my YouTube channel and retire my husband. Here is to an amazing year!


Your videos have literally changed my life and have opened my eyes up to a whole new world. Being a young single mum it is my goal to be able to successfully support my young son and give him the world any parent could only dream of. Time to also give back to myself and make that first 7 figure income. Thank you for your videos, I'll forever be grateful!


I am an entrepreneur with a multiproject brand that collaborates with many artists to create innovative, beautiful, useful and fair price products. Through this project I’m able to expand myself into my many passions and fulfill my curiosity in different topics, while being able to finish diverse small projects, inside a big only one goal (project). It takes me travelling and stablishing for a while in different countries.

Thanks for sharing your knowledge ❤


Its nice hearing a successful entrepreneur say "Its not only about money." I've always thought I didnt have what it took to become a successful entrepreneur because I didnt have a strong passion for money. I do, however, have a passion for traveling and money will get me anywhere I want. Love these videos!


So inspiring Dan. I am actually so big on the Law of Attraction and Manifestation and I will for sure be making this exercise. Thank you for sharing.
My #1 goal right now: to grow my Amazon FBA business and YouTube channel to the point where they pay me double my current full-time income and leave my 9to5 still during this year.
For next year, on a higher level: to achieve multiple 6 figures, love what I do for a living with my businesses, travel as I wish, retire my mom 🌠


This is the best in-depth goal setting video I've ever seen. I love the practical steps Dan teaches that are very clear and the way it actually works. I'm so glad that I was able to learn an exact way of setting and actually achieving goals from a person who's actually done it himself. Dan's other motivational videos are also really awesome and so inspiring. Thanks a lot Dan! I'll be following you throughout my success journey will learn a lot from you. Really helpful video to set goals as the year 2021 is ready to begin.


The only e-commerce YouTube teacher I trust🙏🏼🙏🏼


thank you, I love you. Wish I heard things like this when I was growing up. My number 1 goal is to own my own house with an amazing interior and location


Making my first sale is my beginning goal. Long term goal teaching prisoners to reinvent themselves to change the course of their lives. God Bless you Mr.Vas


My friend, hats off to you! Great maturity and vision for someone so young. Amazing value provided... the material you've provided should be taught at school to young children. May the universe keep giving you more wisdom and knowledge to help others.


Hi Dan, just to tell you that I have set my goal and that is I'm 'going' to be a millionaire with shopify and amazon and nothing is going to stop me, cheers Dan, love your videos.


My #1 goal is to free myself from working for someone else. I know this is possible and have always felt that inside, even if others don't share this belief that this is actually possible, that's ok... The most important thing is that I know it will work one day. :) Thank you for your "valuable" free information. You should be proud of what you've accomplished, you've worked hard and it's paying off for you! Great job, keep up the good work!


I've been writing my goals down for 5 months and taking some sort of action EACH DAY, no matter how small. I'm happy to say i have crushed my first goal of 2020 pretty quick. i didn't EXACTLY know how it was going to get done but i did know it was going to get done. And i took steps each day then the pieces of the puzzle i was missing starting come to me. The goal was achieved by believing, visualizing, writing it down as if it has already been completed and of course TAKING ACTION.All thanks to Dan the man.I can see and feel my life changing because of this guy. thanks Dan.
