New Mandela effect blind Test. Haven't seen anyone mention this.

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The information I believe has been revealed to me is that this is in fact a single reality. Just observation collapses the wave function right? So is there a disinformation campaign to confuse us in to believing these events are only effecting some of us? I think if you go into your mind and think about it first with another person that can walk you through remembering, perhaps we can avoid the strange mind trap that has gotten a hold of everyone blind to these changes. Let's try this now, I haven't found this on the internet yet so hopefully you haven't been blinded already.
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This is amazing. No way. I'm going to be going through all of my nickles tonight. I've seen all of the others. I NEVER saw this before tonight.


Never saw this nickel before! Pulled out my change and it was the first coin I pulled out! Wow! Those eyes are creepy! I subscribed!


I'm blown away and astounded. I've never, ever seen these nickels. I got up after watching your vid to go find whatever nickels I had in the house. Of course I found the old ones with the ponytail, but none with the right profile, even though I'm familiar with those and when they came out. But surprisingly I have quite a few of these newer ones. I'm just sitting here not knowing what to make of it. Also, as my wife pointed out, the detail on these nickels is ridiculous. You can see the eyeballs, and they appear to follow you like a portrait. Bananas #Subscribed


gee never seen that before. Hey Jynx Cat!


I had only seen the first one. I went to my coin basket and pulled out nickels. I found the 3rd one with a 2006 date on it. I also found a half face dated 2005.Yes, Mandela Effect, no question.


that's new nickle, show us nickle from the 1960


I haven't seen the ones facing us


Quarters seem smaller in diameter and weight


mine nickel looks like the last one you showed, the 2003, but mine is


Please just link the people we should check out in your description I've got no idea who the two guys you mentioned are...anyway I know I can rewind and pause & try to figure out who you're talking ok enough of my bitchy side showing name just brings it outta me ;) I am grateful for your insightful I grabbed my purse I had two nickels looking normal....
then a new side profile big head I never noticed till today about the same time you showed yours...I had it in my hand flipped the wrong way, turned it over & BAMMM creepy eyes....then all the other 5 or so nickels turn out to be the creepy eyes guy....whoa, NOPE never have I seen these 100% certain....the 1st one I grabbed was a 2012 version...UHG, my life is so rollercoaster really hope to figure something out!
