björk - hyperballad

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Directed by Michel Gondry.
Written by Björk.
Published by Universal Music Publishing Ltd
® 1996 BjörkOverseas Ltd/One Little Indian Records Ltd.
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I can’t believe this is from 1995. It’s so ahead of its time, both the song and visuals. It’s amazing.


"I imagine what my body would sound like slamming against those rocks.  And when it lands will my eyes be closed or open." What beautiful morbidity.


love not just the musicality but the emotional complexity of this song.
Most hear the suicidal ideation of throwing herself off a cliff and think 'this got dark, therefore deep, and that resonates with me because I have contemplated suicide.' IMHO there's more.
In interviews Bjork said this song was about a moment 3 years into an established relationship where things were going good. So good that she feared what came next. She wakes up, walks out & throws things off the mountain to purge her negativity, literally casting out her morbid thoughts 'every morning' 'before he wakes up' 'so she can feel happier' and 'safe up here with you'.
Think about that. Like everybody, she has negative emotions. but she needs to ritually purge them everyday for fear that letting her partner see them would pop the bubble of thier perfect relationship.
Fear wrapped around love. Love dependent on fear. Which is stronger? The growing dance-beat expressing the Joy that nobody can doubt that she truly feels in the relationship post-purge, but that joy is bought through daily dishonesty. She loves her partner, but not enough to be emotionally intimate about negative thoughts and inner demons. She's constructed a glass ceiling in the relationship and she's getting nearer to it and that. is. terrifying.
Which is so reminiscent to me of one's 20's (Bjork was 30 when this song was released), when you've likely had exposure to emotional relationships, but not enough to really know what you're doing. Only later do you learn that while you have to take responsibility for your own baggage, that doesn't mean that you have to go through it alone.


Arguably one of the most unique and innovative singer songwriters of our generation!


this song sounds so modern, I can't believe its from the 90's, she is such a visionary ! 


Sometimes I avoid listening to her music for a while just cause I get so caught up in listening that I don't do much else. Sometimes I cry listening to it all haha


Björk is an extraordinarily innovative artist whose contributions to contemporary music, video, film, fashion, and art have had a major impact on her generation worldwide.


Hyperballad, Pagan Poetry, and Joga are the holy trinity of Bjork's magnificence.


Makin me cry, remembering my wife who past away 2 monts ago, she like this singer 😢😢


This year I finally got my autism diagnosis. This song saved me countless times from suicidal ideation due to auditory overload. Thank you Björk always.


I borrowed this album from the library on tape when I was about twelve and had my mind blown


02년도에 처음 알았을때 바로 팬되서 cd 샀던 기억이.. 오늘 방 정리하며 발견된 시디를 보며 간만에 추억여행하러 왔네요.

당시에는 마이너했지만.. 그때 나에게 신선한 충격과 호소력있는 사운드로 귀호강을 주었던 뷔욕, 20년된 노래가 지금 들어도 전혀 꿀리지 않네요. 앞으로도 오래 활동해주세요~~


Love her... Who is still listening in 2020?


There's a purity in her voice that's almost too much to bear. This is beauty in its rawest form.


Three layers of reality in this video: Bjork filmed, Bjork projected onto herself, and the video game graphic of Bjork. This theme is repeated in more of her videos, like Bachelorette, where the stage production is repeated in many less real layers of reality. For those of us who have had a glimpse of the hyperreal, this symbolism is clear and profound.


We live on a mountain
Right at the top
There's a beautiful view
From the top of the mountain
Every morning I walk towards the edge
And throw little things off
Like car-parts, bottles and cutlery
Or whatever I find lying around

It's become a habit
A way to start the day

I go through all this
Before you wake up
So I can feel happier
To be safe up here with you

It's early morning
No-one is awake
I'm back at my cliff
Still throwing things off
I listen to the sounds they make
On their way down
I follow with my eyes 'til they crash
And imagine what my body would sound like
Slamming against those rocks

And when it lands
Will my eyes be closed or open?

I go through all this
Before you wake up
So I can feel happier
To be safe up here with you


Literally the greatest song of all time. Cant listen without crying and experiencing true life. Thank you bjork. I’ve spent my life with this album and this song hits every time ❤❤❤❤❤❤


Whenever I’ve been experiencing bad episodes, I always plays this song on repeat and cry. Living with certain expectations and sacrificing things to make life comfortable for others; and having doubts of ending my life.

This song kept me alive and this now reminds me that I made it through my darks days.


I'm about to turn 30 and I remember dancing and singing to this amazing song when I was 15. Such good memories, I grew up with this genius.


i listened to this song today. Yes, today, for the first time. But i am completely devasted. I cant stop thinking of it. This is probably the most incredible and beautiful song that i have ever heard. Since first listen, my body was completely covered in goosebumps. The melody is just so emotional, so complex, and touches my heart so much. It fills my heart with complete love and passion and happiness. I dont know explain the exact feeling, but i feel this song, and every element of it inside my every vein, and it runs trough my whole body and just makes me so... human, like i am experiencing love and happiness for the first time, so full of dreams and hope, like i want to live life. I fear no other song can beat this feeling ever, and i listen too much music, but i have never felt like this before, ever. Its so touching and beautiful that i want to cry. Its extremely powerful and beautiful and i want to cry everytime i hear it. it makes me remember of times i was truly happy with people i really loved, and times that i had hope and dreams. But this fullfills my heart and entire soul. Björk is such a timeless artist. I hope she keeps making songs like this, to fill peoples hearts with love again
