CYGNI All Guns Blazing - Gameplay PC [Demo]

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Primeros 12 minutos de la demo.

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➤About the videogame:

Con una implacable avalanchas de imágenes increíbles, deslumbrantes paisajes sonoros y acción alucinante, CYGNI está a la vanguardia para la próxima generación de Shoot-em ups. Al estar en desventaja numérica y de armas, y por tu cuenta, sumérgete en un cielo infernal en una última batalla por sobrevivir.

Redirige el poder entre las armas o los sistemas de escudo y enfréntate a implacables oleadas de enemigos terrestres y aéreos. Mejora tu nave recogiendo nuevas tecnologías y derrota a los colosales jefes alienígenas en combate visceral; haz lo que sea necesario para salir victorioso.

#CYNIAllGunsBlazing #Action #Shooter #ShoothemUp #PCIndieMRace
Рекомендации по теме

thank you, i can't wait for this game it going to be great


Nice, didn’t realize straight up gameplay was available for this game yet. Looks pretty good, graphics obviously are great, the shooting looks acceptable but a little lacking in oomph and a tad euro shmupy with the kind of skatey movement and sometimes odd enemy placement.

Regardless, unless the game is a disaster I’ll be getting it. A shoot em up with this degree of fidelity/quality is rare and I must support them in their endeavor.


Right! I've been waiting for this game since it was announced years ago!


still just coming soon, not sure when the release date is going to be, hopefully within this year?


how tf is this shit needs minimum rtx 2070? Such insanity


This is where the Shmup Genre should have been ages ago. Respect to the new developers and their love letter to past games, much respect. Say what yall will about Konami, but when the old heads show you the path on how its done, you shutdafuckup and listen. This shit right here is wisdom on how to move forward. This was long overdue. Insta buy, no hesitation.


is this video x2 ? because holy i shit i cant see anything this is too fuking fast :D


Has jugado sin conocer las mecámicas. No usas el láser para enemigos terrestres, ni la ametralladora guiada. Deberías haber jugado el tutorial de la demo antes. Así la gente no ve todas las posibilidades del juego. Lo que haces a partir del minuto 10:30 es ridículo te quedas sin disparar y por eso te acaban matando, hay que disparar a los enemigos terrestres en esa parte.. Un saludo.


Rodriguez Brian Johnson Elizabeth Taylor Nancy


its horrible the western Hollywood style and orchestral music ruins it. disgusting.
