Mechanical Vs. Electrical Engineering: How to Pick the Right Major @zachstar

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Mechanical engineering vs electrical engineering, electrical vs mechanical engineering, Best engineering major, what engineering major should i choose, how to choose engineering major, easiest engineering major, mechanical vs civil engineering, engineering, what is mechanical engineering, what is electrical engineering, jobs for mechanical engineers, electrical engineering jobs, what do mechanical engineers do, what do electrical engineers do, electrical engineers, ee vs me, electrical engineering basics, mechanical engineering basics

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The #1% Engineer Show is brought to you by Jake Voorhees, founder of The 1% Engineer Society. A free community and education platform dedicated to engineering career advice, engineering student tips, and engineering jobs explained.

So I can reach and help more engineers! Thanks!
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My Electrical/Electronic Engineering degree had me doing quantum physics, programming mobile apps, and making tons of circuits. It was interesting but really hard imo


The thing about electrical engineering, is that it's lit.


Starting my “General Engineering” degree this upcoming semester. Transferred from automation and robotics at a Community College. After I finish my associates I will transfer to my local university to get my bachelors in either Mechanical or Electrical. Still got some time for thinking but keeping up with your videos. Really want to get into designing, building, programming robots in the future. Thanks 🤙🏼


Personally, I don't care a lot about designing circuits, it's fun at times but anything more than a few LEDs and a microcontroller isn't my cup of tea. What I enjoy most is assembling stuff with motors and servos, designing robots, 3D printing, etc. Programming is also cool. And I'm good in math in physics. Would you recommend me to go into ME or EE?


My advice would be to not just search the topics you'll be learning but also search for job postings to get an idea of the real day to day work you'll be doing upon graduating.

This is what stayed me from mechanical to electrical, most of the mechanical jobs in my area seemed very uninteresting to me, unless i was working in the aerospace industry, which there are no jobs of that type in the north of England.

However electrical and electronics jobs, to me, seemed much more interesting, i am fascinated by electricity.


I was in a CS degree and dropped out. A lot of issues plus I didn't believe I was good enough for it. When I looked back at my grades on exams and such, I realized that I was actually getting good grades on them.

Now going back to school I'm deciding between electronics and mechanical engineering. I'm leaning towards the Electrical(electronics) side because of the upside in career trajectory, entrepreneurship, and even patent law.


I'm leaning more and more towards mechanical thanks jake


holy shit. watched you when I was taking precalc. now I'm over here senior year of undergrad ee degree. pretty cool


Only 15% of Mechanical engineering is about design and forces. The rest is advanced physics, i.e. fluid mechanics, heat transfer, thermodynamics and computational methods. Which are all really damn tough to understand!


How about I just want to build stuff and create my own career, where the job I get is just a stepping stone, a window into how I’d run my own company


MECHANICAL ENGINEERING love you 3000 times


You need way more subs, likes, and views... Amazing content, info, and enthusiasm!


I am in electrical engineering, and I love robotics and I am currently working on an autonomous drone and an autonomous vehicle as a hobby, but although my college offers robotics as an elective only for EEs and I take controls, electronics, and programming, but I am afraid that EE wasn't the right choice to get into professional robotics and that ME would've been better, so what's your advice?


I’m was stuck deciding between Computer Science and Engineering, so it’s Electrical Engineering for me.



Hey so I love sci-fi. All that sort of stuff and making my own inventions bringing tech to life. What engineering would be best for me?


Hi Jake! I graduated last yr as a mechanical engineer and was late to realize that I should’ve picked electrical engineering. My interests are robotics, aerospace, green energy, automotive, nanotech, apps and softwares, and AI. I’m planning now to do a masters in mechatronics. Is this a good choice? Or should I study electrical engineering again or maybe CS or masters in EE or CS (i just don’t know if I can because I’m an ME)


I remember loading up on electrical electives for my final year of mechanical engineering because I thought power systems were cool. I didn’t have a good time in those classes 😂


I am an EE and work with IT Consulting, specifically with Machine Learning, Data Science, etc. Engineering is the best problem solving training that someone may have.


I still can't decide both of them looks so cool..I am still very young(14) but I am really inspired by the work of enginner...I have been thinking in my room for 5 hours 😭


What would be the pro’s and con’s of dual majoring in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering compared to going for Mechatronics Engineering? What type of engineering will generally pay more and which has the greatest amount of freedom of what projects you choose and travel? Im trying to learn more about engineering as i know i want to go into engineering but not which type yet.
