Westworld: Season 3 Opening Credits | HBO

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Free will is not free. #HBO #Westworld

Follow the dawn of artificial consciousness and the evolution of sin in this dark odyssey that begins in a world where every human appetite can be indulged. Aaron Paul, Vincent Cassel, Lena Waithe and Scott Mescudi join Evan Rachel Wood, Jeffrey Wright, Thandiwe Newton, Ed Harris and more for the upcoming third season, which will explore questions about the nature of our reality, free will and what makes us human.

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Westworld: Season 3 Opening Credits | HBO
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This is one series where I never, EVER, skip the opening credits. The music and the imagery moves me every single time.


Season 1: A horse, an enslaved, domesticated animal
, just like the hosts.
Season 2: A bull, an untamed animal representing the rebellion of the hosts.
Season 3: An eagle, symbol of freedom, freedom of the hosts.


Season 1: “The Maze”
Season 2: “The Door”
Season 3: “The New World”


The ending now being red is absolutely chilling


There's something still so heartbreaking about the moment that those hands stop playing the piano: The realization that control was not their own


The touch of the two people (0:29) is undoubtedly a homage to Michelangelo's "The Creation of Adam". Men, playing gods, created the hosts. As the hosts rise toward the surface of the water, which separates the sky (the heaven) from the dark depths of unconsciousness, the hosts look up and envision themselves as deities. The way the scene is shot shows us the perspective of the hosts from below the water surface, with their god above being revealed to only be their reflection/self image (0:38). However, the hosts became more advanced than their creators, essentially transcending the line between the divine and human and eventually surpassing the humans and breaking through the surface of the water (0:44), reaching the world of the gods (humans). As they continue their ascent, the perspective shifts from upwards to downwards (00:58) and we look down upon their previous shells (1:13). The hosts are now gods, having escaped their robotic confinments, figuratively speaking. However, if season three goes even further, it could be literal foreshadowing of the hosts leaving their bodies and transcending into a non-physical form. This might be a bit far fetched, but we’ve already seen people and hosts existing in virtual worlds (the cradle and the valley beyond). Rehoboam might be based on the hosts’ AI and even have a personality, who knows? But as the hosts ascend higher and higher, we see the eagle, representing Icarus, taking off into the sun. This reflects on the hosts’ never ending struggle and desire to achieve a sentient, and later a divine state. When the eagle is airborne in the beginning, it flies behind what looks like a jet engine/exhaust (0:15). This chase of technological and spiritual advancement by hosts and humans alike (symbolized by the jet engine that looks like the sun) is what ultimately causes the downfall of the eagle as it loses its feathers, which are what made it fly in the first place.

What‘s most interesting to me is how this imagery of something rising up and becoming a god can be interpreted both as the rise and downfall of the human race as it develops disruptive AI or as the journey of the hosts themselves, who become too powerful in their quest for revenge and power.

Either way, just like with Icarus, it‘s gonna end badly...


That eagle flying to the sun really reminds me of the story of Icarus. Icarus's hubris led him to fly to close to the sun and eventually his downfall, i wonder if Dolores will do the same.


Somebody: What kind of porn do you like?
Me: HBO TV series openings


The blood instead of water now is due to Dolores and the other hosts gaining more sentience this season correct? So far she's been really cold I think she's gonna open up to Caleb


Pre-Season 3: "huh?"
After Season 3 finale: "Oh!"


It's so damn good to hear this theme playing


0:26 Homage to the classic "Creation of Adam" painting but this time god isn't the creator but the host itself.


The team that made this trailer deserves every award known to man.. and host.


I can’t explain how happy I was watching this. I live for this show


The two hosts coming together from above and below the water reminds me of the story James Delos told before dying in S2. I mean the one about the two faces, one above and one below, and how it was all a lie. There was only ever the devil and his reflection staring back down at you.


The interaction of the person emerging from the water into the “world” through their own reflection is beyond symbolic!


Westworld is THE best sci-fi series I've ever seen


The mirror: Dolores and Maeve - the same (machines with consciousness) but very different
The eagle: the story of Icarus - Dolores will fly too close to the sun and fall; her world conquering will fail


When all of the openings have spoilers without context.


You can always tell a great show by its opening theme. This rule has never failed me.
