Jmeter Tutorials | First Jmeter Test Script with Examples

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Welcome to Jmeter Tutorials ,in this video you will learn how to Build a web test plan for your web applications which is HTTP Requests.
To build web test plan in Apache Jmeter we are using following components

1.Test Plan - Under Test plan you can add below Components in Jmeter to create proper web test plan in Jmeter
2.Thread Group - Thread Group is a component or control panel which will allow you to specify number of Virtual Users,Ramp up Period and Loop ,Duration to run the test plan.
3.HTTP Sample - We are adding HTTP samples to test or perform load test of your web pages for as per configured virtual users.
4.Assertions - Assertions in Jmeter is useful to verify request response whether HTTP Sample is fail or pass for every request.
5.Listners - Listners are giving graph results,View results tree ,Summary report ,Hits per second etc options to view the results of response for each and every request

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I wount to avoid test there user (me) predefine numbers (delay, start time, threads, ...). I would like if I could just define how test long will it be and what is MAX and MIN number of users, all other should be totaly randomized by Jmeter itself. Ideas is to have test which could have times with "non or less" HTTP hits and some with high peaks just like in real environment. Not some predefine tests (by user). With current random components I always get some 'average load' and it is load... I cant get period without load witout defining delays (hard coding).

Do you have any idea hot to do this?

Thanks a lot.
