How To Sell Art online - Insider Secrets Revealed

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I'm John from the team at leading online art gallery Artists Info and I'm here to give you my insider Secrets to Selling Your Art Online. And It's Really Simple!

First let's see why you should be interested in selling online. Did you know that, according to a recent BBC News report, the online art industry is estimated to be worth £40 billion and is growing by 20% a year?

The trend for Clicks over Bricks means buying art online is now big business; Saatchi Gallery recently declared they sell more art in a month online than most bricks-and-mortar galleries do in a year and Internet giants Amazon are so keen to tap into this huge market they've now launched an online gallery.

Buying art online has become the industry norm and if you're an artist you need to know how to capitalize on it. But where should you start? It can seem daunting but there are just 3 easy steps...

Step 1 - Be website savvy. You only need a simple CMS website to showcase your work. Once built, this allows you to easily add and update your images whenever you want for free. Now you know what to ask for, you'll save a fortune. So you get a website. What next?

Step 2 - Get social! Never done social media before? Be brave and jump right in! The key with social networking as an artist is to tell your story. If your website shows your finished exhibition, your networking should depict the blood sweat and tears which go into it. So you post, tweet and blog. Then what? Well the good news is you're more than half-way there. And Step 3 is the easiest of all.

Step 3 - Get to the top of Google, Fast. Without doubt, 95% of all your potential customers are searching for art on Google. And they rarely look beyond the first page. So, unless you are a very big name in the art world, being lost in cyberspace can feel like being a needle in a haystack.

It takes a colossal amount of time and resources for sites to rank at the top of Google for popular search keywords like Online Art Gallery with the top spots all dominated by leading online galleries, including Saatchi and Artists Info.

So, how to get your site to the top of Google without remortgaging your home or becoming the next Damien Hirst? Now, this is the biggest secret of all. And it's so, so easy. You simply choose your favourite from Google's Top Ten Online Art Galleries and join them! Award-Winning Global Art Directory, Artists Info reaches over 100,000 art fans every week.

Join as many as you can, the more the merrier. Tap into their customer base, levy traffic to your site from theirs, increasing your exposure and your sales overnight.

So, the Secret Recipe for Success is...

Number 1 - Keep an up-to-date portfolio with a simple CMS website to show off your work. Secure Pay facilities can be set up so you can take payments. Easy & fuss-free.

Number 2 - Build relationships through social networking. It's easier than you think and can be a lot of fun!

Number 3 - Get to the top of Google the smart way (well, the only way)
The beauty of this system is that each supports the other, like in a big circle. By getting your work out there you ignite interest from potential customers who can then enjoy getting to know you and seeing your work evolve, they then become customers, you produce more work and that gets seen by more people, that ignites interest and so on.

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thought this would be another one of those scams but this is pretty good


From your experience... where would you suggest us to sell our art on. Society6, Redbubble, Etsy?

We are cycling around the world and selling our art (painting, art prints, shirts, stickers) would be awesome to sustain us.

Demis & Nancy


how do I start communicating with people on facebook? Do I just message a random person and ask general questions. You see I have no idea. Or do I generate interest first and then message someone. or do I have to actually meet someone first before I message them. Sorry I am a newbie to this Facebook stuff.


Nice and simple and very helpful - thanks! Gill Bustamante


Thanks! if you can't win against your enemy be his friend thats smart :)


how do you take payments i am really stupid so i need help!


this was great thanks! Joe Slevin Artist. Saatchi or facebook lol
