Are Chiropractors Real Doctors?

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Are chiropractors even real doctors? Today, I answer that question. What do you think? Are chiros real doctors in your mind?

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"What would you determine to be a real doctor?" A literal clinician - which chiropractors aren't


I’ll save everyone a minute and 40 seconds. No. The answer is no.


how did it take 8 years to realise your not a doctor?


How about someone who is able to pass the 3 medical exams needed to graduate from med school. How about someone who can work a few shifts in their local emergency room.


Chiropractic college has 100 percent acceptance rate


Okay, so if someone is having a medical emergency on a plane and they ask who on board is a doctor, what are you gonna do? Whip out one of your many BS toys to make a sPiNaL aDjUstMeNt?


Chiropractor is just a bonesetter, don’t overestimate yourself by making comparison with doctors or dentists!


Answer is simple - No. The only requirement to enter chiropractic school is the ability to fog a mirror and obtain a loan. The acceptance rate is essentially 100%. Unlike medical school, there is no 3-7 years of residency followed by an additional 1-3 years of fellowship. There is no comparison.


A doctor can prescribe medication. Also, my back problems got beyond a chiropractor care. I had to go to a Doctor to get medicine, injections and I will probably need surgery. Chiropractor are not doctors. They like to think they are. Also, I’m studying Medical Terminology, Anatomy, Pathophysiology to work in conjunction with Doctors. Am I a doctor? No.


do you honestly believe you can cure deafness by popping someones back?


If you have to make YouTube videos convincing people you are a doctor, you aren’t lol. The common consumer thinks of a physician when they think medical doctor, not a chiropractor or someone with a PHD in education


I don’t really think about the school and books. I like it when my doctor’s field isn’t shrouded in mysticism and magic. I also really like it when he doesn’t make up pretend medical terminology. I guess the seal of approval from the AMA is cool, too. All of the chiropractor YouTube pages have to have guidelines in the comment section. Lol! Nobody’s on here debating whether or not vascular surgeons are “real”. When they are done doing “their thing” it’s pretty apparent they did something. When I leave the dentist, it’s not “up in the air” as to whether or not a medical procedure was performed or not. It can be easily proven with this thing called “science”. Now, don’t go confusing that with “scéance”… that’s what you use to prove (create rather) chiropractic medicine.


There’s a reason why my benefits don’t cover chiropractic.


My wife says I’m the Love Doctor (she won’t let me see any other patients), but I did not go to medical school. It’s more of an honorary title.


to sum it up in 1 word..."NO"


Someone who goes to a recognised medical school and passes, becomes a doctor. Someone who completes 7+ years of study and obtains a PHD, is a doctor. Someone who goes to Chiropractor school, is a Chiropractor. This guy says he spent just as much time studying as a Chiropractor as someone does in Med school. Why not just go to Med school and become a Doctor of Medicine? Are the entry grades easier to get into Chiropractor school than Med school?
From what I've heard the criteria for Med school is very high. If you marks are low in the first year, you end up taking another pathway such as becoming a pharmacist etc etc...Those that pass the first year with good grades, go on to Med School proper.


What diagnoses are better seen and treated by chiropractors instead of physicians?

What diseases are prevented by chiropractic care? Is chiropractic care covered by healthcare insurance?

In 1895, DD Palmer claimed to have cured a janitor’s hearing loss through spinal manipulation, but how is that anatomically possible, since CN VIII goes nowhere close to the spine?

If you were treating a cancer patient, how would you quantify clinical progress as opposed to simply saying “it helps” (which is what my chiropractor friend said long ago).

Podiatrists and dentists are accepted and well-integrated into medical systems, so why aren’t chiropractors?


I understand that chiropractors go through rigorous training and have a deep understanding of the spine and nervous system, which is valuable in its own right. However, when we talk about what it means to be a "doctor" in the traditional sense, there’s a significant difference in both the level of education and the type of training involved.

Medical doctors, whether they’re MDs or DOs, go through extensive education, including four years of medical school, where they learn about a broad range of disciplines such as internal medicine, surgery, and pharmacology. After that, they complete a residency program, which can take an additional 3 to 7 years. During residency, they gain hands-on experience in diagnosing and treating a wide variety of conditions, performing surgeries, prescribing medications, and managing overall patient care in a hospital or clinical setting.

On the other hand, chiropractic education focuses primarily on musculoskeletal issues, particularly the spine, and how spinal adjustments can affect health. While this is important, it’s a much narrower scope compared to the broad and deep training that medical doctors receive.

To draw a parallel, physiotherapists also go through extensive training, often at the master’s or doctoral level, focusing on rehabilitation and physical therapy. However, they understand that their expertise is different from that of a medical doctor, which is why they don’t use the title "doctor, " even though they could argue that their level of education warrants it. They respect the distinction between their role and that of a physician.

This raises a question: If physiotherapists, with similar levels of study, refrain from calling themselves doctors out of respect for the different roles and training, why do chiropractors insist on using the title? It’s not about devaluing the work chiropractors do, but rather about being clear and honest with patients regarding the scope of your training and expertise. The title "doctor" traditionally carries certain expectations, particularly in terms of medical expertise, which can lead to confusion if used inappropriately.


Um WHAT? Why did this make me more nervous.


So here’s what I don’t understand, no BS. Why do chiropractors try to present themselves as comparable to medical doctors? Most of your patients have been thoroughly informed by someone in their life that you’re not, and they’re still coming. It just seems like an ego thing and it’s a bad look bc regardless of what anyone says, saying you did all the same things as doctors up to a certain point is said to make others think you’re similar, or a type of doc, and you’re not. You give anyone you’re discussing this with all they need to control the conversation right there.

You’d be better off sticking with the “although temporary my patients experience real relief and if they don’t get better over enough years eventually I’ll recommend seeing an actual doctor, in case you have something actually wrong.
