Lysine: The Essential Amino Acid You Might Be Missing | Dr. Osborne's Zone

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In this episode of Dr. Osborne's Zone, we dive into the importance of lysine, an essential amino acid that many cereal-based diets may lack. Discover how lysine plays a key role in protein synthesis, immune function, bone health, and even energy metabolism. I will explore lysine’s potential benefits, especially for children with growth issues, and shares the latest research on how supplementation can improve immune health, reduce anxiety, and lower blood pressure.

Learn why it's crucial to include lysine-rich foods in your diet, and why genetically modified grains might not be the solution. Don't miss this insightful discussion on the power of nutrition!

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Was raw vegan for 12 yrs... Now a Carnivore (high fat) to heal my body, thyroid, hormones, insulin resistance that may have to do with thyroid, which came ascites sure to low estrogen (don't yet know)... I intend to incorporate cabbage, broccoli, spinach, kale, specific nuts/seeds, fermented foods...
I'm taking specific supplements as needed, iodine, electrolytes and testing every 3 months to ensure I'm staying on track and numbers improve... I'm already feeling so much better as I learn and incorporate what I feel that I need... I eat for health and that's it... I don't get into food for any other reason...

The #1 man that I TRUST is Dr Osborne...


Mathias Rath treats cancer patients with lysine and proline and vit C


Thank you so very much for this - very important information for my daughter and her father’s side of family!!! ❤❤❤


Lysine is the only thing that saved me from chronic shingles outbreaks. I might have died from complications from shingles because it has tried to flare at least 5 more times after my first time getting it, but lysine stopped it each time. I've also become mold toxic and it's good to hear lysine can help with different processes that get hammered from mold. I was plant based for about 7 years but got very depleted and then mold hit me and took me out. Been a struggle ever since. I eat meat now by choice, and necessity, partly because my diet has been reduced to less than 10 or 12 foods (including spices). I would have been lysine deficient for a long time.


I use lysine for the common cold and it works better than anything else, it as not effective for when we had covid though. I had to get that iverstuff for my husband he almost died but a small town doctor about an hour away prescribed it for him. Saved his life, the ER sent him home to die (nurse said it was too late and he should have had that shot) He was in rough shape. As a preventative I keep some vet supply for emergency now.
This latest crud is responding very well to lysine though. As long as I take lysine that nasty cough and headache is gone. Lasts a few weeks. (I had stopped lysine too early and it immediately resurged)


For muscle building I have tried to shift more to Animal protein (chicken + meat) diet + creatine (5grams) + EAA daily and it has raised my Creatinine levels to 1.3 and dopped eGFR to 70. Recently I have come to know about Cystatin C test as a better measure for eGFR. What should I do for better kidney health when I depend more on Animal Protein, Creatine & EAA ?
1) - Creatinine levels do not really matter for Kidney health and I should continue taking all 3 and get tested for Cystatin C ??
2) - Should I continue with Animal Protein & EAA and drop taking Creatine to lower Creatinine ?
3) - Should I take a break from all 3 ?
4) - Anything else that you suggest ?

Love your content.. got to learn a lot. You are doing amazing things for the common man. thank you for your contribution. Really appreciate it !!


Amino acids are good for depression as well when is deficient.
That is what happened to my son.


70% of youths cannot pass the military entrance exam.


This is a great one. Thanks Dr. Osborne.


I've taken lysine as needed for 20-some years after learning it helps canker sores heal. I never considered using it otherwise and am curious to learn more about it.


I supplement with all the essential amino and fatty acids.

I highly suggest acetyl and propyl carnitine supplementation additionally.


Than you Dr. great video. Just recived my own gym freeweights. Ordered whey and separate aminos. Good information regarding arginine.. it seems I need to pulse it on off with lysine, right?


Lysine & Thyroid are they related ? I know somebody with Hypothyroid from few years and also have low Vitamins, Iron, High Lipids etc. I feel there is even low stomach acid as it shows low on BP side. Is it possible that the person have low EAA's as well ?? This guy recently tried supplementing with EAAs, glutamine, Arginine as well. Can they be helpful ?

I have also noticed that T4 is highly Correlated with Sodium and Inversely correlated with Potassium. Can taking higher electrolytes (Sodium or sea salt) help improve T4 ?

These are the some of the Relationships and correlations that can be analysed on person to person with their Health Reports at HealthQ platform but since it is on individual data so it is not a study or proven facts.


Hi Dr. Osborne,
Can you please talk about TTR gene?
I was told i carry the gene, but i have no symptoms and i cannot find information about it thatis not from conventional doctors.


I've been taking Llysine for 30 yrs. Have no idea if it's been working though 😂


I dont believe quantity of complete protein is as important as the quality of cp remember animals are herbivore in general.
The majority of western society consume meats or some animal products if we blame plant based foods as the cause then hipocrisy creeps in denying true science.
Thanks for your good work and content.


How do you know if you are carnitine deficient?


In your opinion- would lysine help someone with ankylosis spondylitis??


How much protein should someone with stage 3 CDK eat a day?


Guessing the nutrition reviews is a bill gates platform
