How to Adjust the Action on an Acoustic Guitar

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Customers call us every single day asking how to adjust (usually lower) the action on their acoustic guitar. This video has been on our "to do" list forever and we've finally found the time to put it together for you. Enjoy!

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Tools and supplies used in this video include:

Precision Straight Edge

String Action Gauge

Understring Radius Gauge

Radius Block

Luthier's Digital Caliper

Bleached White Bone Saddles

Nut Seating File

Instagram: @StewMac_Guitar
Рекомендации по теме

OK Youtubers. Take Note! THIS is how you do a tutorial video! No need for flashy intros, or trailing off the subject or trying to be overly humorous. Just organize the content ahead of time and not try to wing it. Get straight to the point and offer close-up shots of the actions to be taken. Very nice job sir! Kudos! I have been balking on buying some of the setup tools for my acoustic, but I think I'll invest so I can make my own adjustments. Thank you!


As a guitarist of over 50 years and guitar repair tech of nearly 40, I have to say that you are one fantastic teacher. Your video taught this subject so distinctly and thoroughly, and yet in a language that anybody can understand. You rock! Great work, man.l


This guy talks like a professor who has a degree in guitars and its maintenance 🤟🏼


Holy moly, it's about time someone posted a video that can talk THE ENTIRE process of adjusting an acoustic WITHOUT talking over someones head. This dude is an absolute pro. Smartly articulated and the visual aids are spot on. This guy wants you to succeed at adjusting your own stuff. The use of some clever techniques I'm already familiar with but never thought to apply the way he does is incredibly helpful. For once, I actually feel like I can attempt to maintenance an acoustic without issue. An absolutely outstanding job on this video! By far the best I've seen to date.


What a great video. This bloke has a relaxed manner and delivers the material succinctly. He should do a whole series of "How to do..." on guitars. Thanks dude, you rock!


I had an acoustic that felt really stiff to play as he was describing in this video. After doing what he demonstrates in this video, I measured that my action at the bridge was 1.25mm too high, so I followed his process to sand down the bridge to lower the action and it's like a totally different guitar. Plays so much easier. What a well done video! Thank you StewMac, this was extremely helpful.


This guy is awesome. Great video!!!! More please, hire this guy full time!!!!


Best acoustic guitar setup lesson ever! Why not have this guy do an electric guitar setup video too. He’s so easy to follow


What i learned watching this video is to drop my guitar at the repair shop


Absolutely the best video tutorial on these, potentially complex, adjustments. This man really knows his stuff.


This is, without a doubt, the best tutorial that I have seen on adjusting string height on an acoustic guitar. It was succinct and to the point, while still being comprehensive. If only all tutorials on YouTube were as well done we wouldn't be drowning in an ocean of misinformation. Kudos to StewMac and the big guy. Well done, indeed.


I've been playing 35 years ..This is THE ONLY Video /Instructor I have ever seen that was Comprehendable,
Layman terms, simple and THOROUGH ...
I like the BAIL OUT point options as well ..
I Could Do ANY of this ..I am sure
Not over Confident Just It's choice me with time management and is it work or Fun ...
I enjoy WORK just NOT when I'm exhausted from Playing Etc


Thanks for not rambling about aunt Ida's lumbago. I wish every video was this clear and only spoke about the subject.


met this guy, he's straight up. won't BS you on your guitar repair, great work too.


I searched "how to adjust acoustic guitar action, " and this is the first video that popped up. Now I know why. This is the perfect instructional video. Visual aids and clear, concise explanations. Well done, sir.


Knowledgeable AND he’s written a script for himself, so there’s nothing extraneous. And the video is edited effectively. I wish all tutorials were this good.


I had played years ago, and had stopped to raise a family. In 2009 I'd had a stroke that left my right hand not working so well. For therapy I picked up a Mitchell D100 MD for $100 bucks. After a while knew it needed some work. So I sanded down the saddle and worked the nut. One night I was doing an open mix and there were some luthiers from Bourgeois guitars.(crafted about two miles from my house) Everyone played that Mitchell all night and were surprised at what I'd done to it and how well it played and sounded.


This was by far the best tutorial on any subject I have ever seen on Youtube. Great job!!


The action on my acoustic guitar has been fighting me for over a year. I was confused on how to adjust this but thanks to this video I have solved my problem. I’m so happy that my guitar is now playable. Thank you so much !


Definitely a tutorial worth keeping. With my failing eyesight and worn out fingers at least when I take my acoustics to the repair shop I’ll sound like I know what I’m talking about when I ask them for a full setup. Thanks from the UK for sharing & cutting straight to the chase, excellent video & graphics without the usual “fluff”. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
