Real conversations I’ve had as a Paramedic. This was NOT his first rodeo. #neck #car #paramedic

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How the hell does he make me believe that each character is played by someone different? Mans too good


This guy could have his own tv show, starring himself as 20 other people😂 He is so good at it!


I was a paralegal and 95% of our personal injury clients were like this. Their medical reports were ridiculously hilarious. Claiming nerve damage from A parking lot accident going literally 5 mph. Or the one who wanted to claim "hair pain".


Had a friend get rear ended. He gets out of the car and the other driver is rolling on the ground screaming, "My Back, my back!" he look down at the driver and says, "You know, I'm the one supposed to be doing that right?" The other driver looked at him sheepishly and jumped to his feet...


I saw something like this outside my apartment. Some girls accidentally hit a stopped car in a mild fender bender during a busy time of day. I heard it and looked out my window and watched everything. The guys in the hit car were acting completely fine out of the view of the girls but as soon as the girls got up to get their info and check the damage they get out rubbing their necks, walking slow, making pained expressions. It was ridiculous!!


I had barely tapped the car in front of me. We pulled into a parking lot. She was screaming "I'm going to SUE YOU SO BADLY!" Jumping around like she won MegaBUCKS! I said not a thing. The officer comes asks me what happened. I was almost a full stop, car for sale in the parking lot was so nice! Oops!" I was honest. She's screaming the entire time " call the ambulance !" Over and over saying "I just had neck surgery and am worse than I ever was!" Fake crying. The officer looks at our cars tells me "as I'm talking to her you can go. " "Don't you need my information?" "Not for this". Calls her over says "there's a very slight black mark on your bumper. Watch this" takes a paper towel using any pressure to wipe it off. 'if I were you (to her) I'd get my car very fast and leave before I arrest you for a false report. '. I appreciate this officer so much even now years later.


To be fair I have seen a dude break his body into a 1000 pieces but stood up and walked around yelled at the person that hit him in a car. He got nailed on a bike and got messed up bad, for a good 4 or 5 mins before pain kicked in and sat his ass down quick.


As someone who got in an accident and was tboned. I felt fine at first, I went to go help the person who hit me, and trade information. Unfortunately they not only had “witnesses” who just wanted money and the other person didn’t have insurance. I ended up going to the hospital about an hour later, because my body started to hurt and wasn’t sure if anything was wrong.


Never tell the guy he's being recorded. Let him dig his hole and pay a ton in medical bills, then lawyer fees.


The attorney's picture on the phone is a dollar sign. Nice touch.


Similar story: A semi truck crashed next to my parents house and I went outside to see what was going on before emergency crews arrived. The driver tried telling the paramedics that he had a heart attack and that’s what caused him to crash. But I have a picture of him walking his dog outside of the truck immediately after he crashed. Eventually he admitted to lying when they found no signs of medical distress and the real reason he crashed is because he dropped his cell phone on the floor and leaned down to grab it 🤦‍♀️


Honestly, it’s not impossible that the driver would feel fine for a few minutes until the adrenaline wore off. Happened to me. Nothing broke, but I was standing and walking feeling fine for several minutes. Wasn’t until I reached a mirror I found out how badly my neck and face got cut up.


I've heard a lady say a lot of similar things, right up the "other drivers are recording, " then she said, "I know my rights, they can't be recording me! I'll be suing you all!! This is their fault!!!"


So theres the frequent flyers, the ambulance chasers, and now the mainpainistogetaclaim strain. This world is so confusing. Lmao.


I LOVE that just like “allllrighty lemme grab that refusal form for you”


What I love about this man is he takes everything in stride, knows how to find humor in every situation and deals with problems with a calm level headedness I could never muster. EMT life would not have been for me. I would have been an anxiety riddled shell of a person but this dude just handles it all like a boss and even with humor and kindness.


has happened 100 times to me. Including 10 people getting ON TO a bus after a car hit the bus...


I got in a three car pileup, and had a pillow behind me while driving. The impact was pretty fast and my stomach was immediately in a lot of pain from the seatbelt. I had my seat pulled all the way forward and had knee air bags, which apparently saved my legs (according to the paramedics later). I ended up climbing out of my car, which was filled with smoke, and immediately collapsed on the ground. My knees had been slightly messed up from the air bags and simply gave out on me. I gave everyone a good scare and felt really embarrassed. Totaled my car.


This dude needs a government sponsor to fund his skits and make more


When the other personalities need some time to shine aswell lol.

Real talk, it's amazing how you can make each character feel so individual and unique in such a quick amount of time
