Why people who dress expensive aren't frauds...

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I buy my designer items secondhand. Look expensive without the expense. No shame in my thrifting game.


More put together 💯 I run a small business as a massage therapist, but I want to attract high value clientele. If I dress like a hippy or rag tag like I don’t care about hygiene or appearance then the clientele I attract will not be in alignment with what I would like to attract. I also just feel better about myself when I look clean & professional. At this point in my practice I have other healthcare professionals that trust my work, and I do think a large part is how I present myself in dress and mannerisms.


People treat you with a lot more respect when your appearance commands the level that you wish to convey. As a college student I wore blazers and nice handbags to elevate my style so the transition into the professional world is more seamless.
When you look good, you feel good.


Dress for the job you want, not the job you have🤷🏼‍♀️


I personally know and have spent time with two individuals who are multimillionaires, but you'd never know that. they dress in nice but not flashy clothes, they live in high end normal houses, not mansions and they drive nice ordinary cars, they look like upper middle class dentists or doctors. Real wealth whispers.


It's called carriage, dignity, self respect, and caliber.


Thanks for posting this, I always felt guilty for dressing up because I do live in a state where people don’t dress up and if you do dress up, you’ll get stared at a lot and I always thought I was a “poser” even though I really just wanted to look like Spencer Hastings and Blair Waldorf because I adore preppy style, this encourages me to dress up more often and not care even though it’s scary! Thank you so much Anna, you gave me confidence!


it's elegance and it doesn't need to be expensive, one just need to have good taste.


I cleaned out my closet today as a gift for myself on my 30th birthday 🎂 Got rid of the colours that don't suit me, small clothes, big clothes, old clothes, outdated clothes. I want to get some items tailored and get some new pieces as well. I'm definitely honing my style in and what suits me in this stage of my life but buying better quality clothing definitely helps with looking good on a budget for years. If you take care of your clothes your clothes take care of you ❤


I want to look put together, have items that last for a long period of time and can be worn for a long period of time regardless of trends. Indeed not because I want to fit in a certain kind of group, I simply just want to be the best version of myself for myself.


I love to dress expensive but I don't pretend anything, I just love to be looking good. ❤️


One note here: you can look "expensive" without a single designer item. It's how you wear items in the best quality YOU can afford. Don't stigmatize secondhand or even places like Walmart if that's all you can afford. Simple things like understated jewelry paired with classic styles is really all you need in the clothing dept. More importantly, keeping your nail, hair, and teeth well taken care of.


I’ve always been drawn to beauty and this includes wearing tasteful things. No matter my budget or where I was in life, I would find a way to elevate my vibe through fashion.
Sometimes this means taking very good care of cleaning, pressing and hanging my garments so they would last longer. Sometimes it meant shopping at a consignment store if my budget was tight.
A person who values themselves will reflect that in how they present themselves.✨🌸✨


I used Anna's look expensive tips to help my mom shop for her new job. Looking higher class could could mean making being offered an extra 20-30k. Why not try.


For many well-dressers, their reason for doing so is "Self-Love".
We are given only one life and one body, so it is our individual right to decide how much love we give to ourselves.
Respect society, but never become a slave to others' opinions as long as you are a good human being 💞


I dress in quality clothing. Items made of cotton, cashmere, silk, are usually more expensive. However, well designed clothes in a natural fabric last a lifetime. They are usually classic pieces which will be forever in style. Run away from trends. Gallop away from “fast fashion”.


Forget the word expensive. Persons do not have a price. Objects have a price, expensive or cheap.
Are you an expensive purse? Expensive shoes? Expensive clothes?

Persons are classy, elegant, refined, educated, and vocabulary shows the education of a person. Not high value or expensive, those words are por an object with a price tag.


But one can make an expensive outfit look trashy. And a cheap outfit look classy. ❤


i agree. sometimes you just want to look your best because you want to feel good. elevating your look doesn't mean you just want to become a social climber or you want to pretend that you are rich.


I don’t even call it “expensive” I say classy! And if people get upset because I’m put together or wear quality items…then that’s they’re pronlem! Why do they look dumpy all the time? Lol 😂
