Speed optimisation 101 - Masterclass by Jono Alderson

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- This is a fragment of a complete masterclass, available as Yoast Academy premium content! -

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About Yoast Academy:
Yoast Academy is the online learning platform for SEO by the makers of the biggest SEO plugin for WordPress: Yoast SEO. Our online SEO training courses teach you vital SEO skills you can apply at once. We have training courses on keyword research, SEO copywriting, technical SEO, structured data, site structure, our own Yoast SEO for WordPress plugin, and more. They are developed by world-class SEOs and education experts trusted by the world's biggest brands. Whether you're a blogger, developer, online marketeer, or own a business, big or small: we believe in SEO for everyone.

#SiteSpeed #Yoast #YoastAcademy
Рекомендации по теме

Thank you very much for the great content provided !


What kind of support will you offer with this course? Saw we can't figure out how to add an index to wp options table; will you do it? Whats fee to just buy the course?


how to increase wordpress website speed ?
