What I Read in November 📚 \\ December TBR ❄️ \\ Reading Journal Update 📓

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Welcome back! In this video, I'm recapping everything I read in the month of November, going over what I hope to read in December, and updating my monthly spread in my reading journal!
0:00 intro & november reads
10:30 december tbr
12:56 reading journal update
Let’s connect elsewhere:
IG: @thebooksarereal
TT: @thebooksarereal1
#monthlyreads #novemberwrapup #decembertbr #readingjournal #readingjournalupdate #whatiread #thebooksarereal #bookchats
0:00 intro & november reads
10:30 december tbr
12:56 reading journal update
Let’s connect elsewhere:
IG: @thebooksarereal
TT: @thebooksarereal1
#monthlyreads #novemberwrapup #decembertbr #readingjournal #readingjournalupdate #whatiread #thebooksarereal #bookchats