Ancient Mystery Schools By The Imperator AMORC

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"At first, the term mysteries must have been synonymous with the unknown. Later it came to represent, to the Egyptian neophyte and priest alike, an uncommon or esoteric knowledge of the laws and purposes of life and being. Thus the appellation, mystery school, or place of imparting knowledge of the mysteries” This is Ancient Mystery Schools By The Imperator AMORC an article taken from, “Rosicrucian Digest”, volume 19 No. 2, March 1941.
The Mystery Schools (Mystery Babylon) Playlist
Rosicrucian Digest Playlist
We have joined Patreon. We are deeply in need of your support and help In order to be able to even afford internet and rent at this point in time as this is my only source of income. As an American currently living in the Philippines with no income, work, or family I'm basically helpless without your support. Even just a few dollars is very helpful thank you very much. If we can reach higher goals I will be able to get a good computer and better microphone as what I have now is not high quality.
Background Music:
The Mystery Schools (Mystery Babylon) Playlist
Rosicrucian Digest Playlist
We have joined Patreon. We are deeply in need of your support and help In order to be able to even afford internet and rent at this point in time as this is my only source of income. As an American currently living in the Philippines with no income, work, or family I'm basically helpless without your support. Even just a few dollars is very helpful thank you very much. If we can reach higher goals I will be able to get a good computer and better microphone as what I have now is not high quality.
Background Music:
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