Creepy, Fun, Beginner Friendly 1st Level D&D Adventure - The Eyeless in the Dark

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As a one shot, or the first adventure of a new campaign, The Eyeless in the Dark carries new and experienced players away from the light of the ordinary world and down in to the dark depths of fantasy, where here there be monsters. Monsters that will eat their gear, monsters that will turn them to stone, and the savage, cannibalistic Eyeless who would eat our heroes. They seek to open a way into the Underdark and provide passage for gods know what horrors that lie in wait deep below in the darkness.

#DND #Adventure #dmsguild #oneshot
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This is great! I totally bought it today 😁


Greetings! New DM here with a fun question, I just bought this one shot and am super excited to run it as a prologue to Lost mine of Phandelin (I watched your whole series-- absolutely fantastic). I wanted my party to start in the tavern in Leilon ( A pretty shabby new town with not much in it). The idea is that they are headed north from Waterdeep and have stopped here to meet with Gundren Rockseeker for his convoy mission to Phandelin. While Gundren and Sildar are telling the party about the convoy to Phandelin, Dhormir Bronzeflask limps up to Gundren and tells him of the cave in at Gruver Iron Mine ( a lucrative mine not far from Leilon, the Rockseeker brothers own, that has made them most of their money). The convoy isn't supposed to leave for 3 days so Gundren asks the party to go check out and clear his extremely valuable Gruver Mine first. Is this a good idea? I wanted to start in Leilon because it's supposed to be run down, and if the party tries to go to Neverwinter, I'll just say guards are ordered to not let any new comers in because of the the threat of the Black Spider and his web of spies. What are your thoughts? I really enjoy all of your videos and thank you!


I despise PC darkvision as written. As an alternative, I have changed darkvision to provide a +2 conditional bonus to all Perception checks for PCs, who's race has darkvision. PC's to no spend 75% to 100% of their time in dark conditions; therefore, unlike goblins (etc.) PC's have no biological need for darkvision. A high perception, yes, you bet...especially for elves.

I really like the adventure. I can't wait to buy it and run my group through it.
