Incidence and Secondary Prevention of Stroke during Pregnancy

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With Dr. Patrice Lindsay, Dr. Rick Swartz, and Dr. Noor Ladhani
The Heart & Stroke Canadian Stroke Best Practice Consensus Statement: Secondary Stroke Prevention during Pregnancy provides the first broad-based, stroke-specific guidance around secondary stroke prevention in pregnancy. The first part of a two part series, this statement focuses on unique aspects of secondary stroke prevention in a woman with a prior history of stroke or transient ischemic attack who is, or is planning to become, pregnant. During this webinar participants will learn more about the current rates of stroke occurring in pregnancy, and secondary prevention of stroke management considerations and strategies during pregnancy as addressed in the consensus statement. Some highlights of the acute stroke management during pregnancy consensus statement will also be presented. Participants will hear directly from the writing group Chairs, and engage in a question and answer period with them.
Learning Objectives
Participants of this program will be able to:
1. State the importance of an interdisciplinary team approach to management of stroke in pregnancy.
2. Describe counseling and risk factor screening considerations for a woman who has a history of stroke and is now pregnant or planning a pregnancy.
3. Develop a specifically-tailored management approach to secondary stroke prevention during pregnancy.
4. Discuss options for pharmacotherapy for antithrombotics and management of blood pressure.
Dr. Patrice Lindsay
Director, Stroke
Heart and Stroke Foundation
Dr. Rick Swartz
Medical Director North East GTA Regional Stroke Program
Director, University of Toronto Stroke Program
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine (Neurology),
University of Toronto
Dr. Noor Ladhani
Associate Scientist, Evaluative Clinical Sciences,
Women & Babies Research Program,
Sunnybrook Research Institute
Staff physician, maternal-fetal medicine,
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
Assistant professor,
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
University of Toronto
The Heart & Stroke Canadian Stroke Best Practice Consensus Statement: Secondary Stroke Prevention during Pregnancy provides the first broad-based, stroke-specific guidance around secondary stroke prevention in pregnancy. The first part of a two part series, this statement focuses on unique aspects of secondary stroke prevention in a woman with a prior history of stroke or transient ischemic attack who is, or is planning to become, pregnant. During this webinar participants will learn more about the current rates of stroke occurring in pregnancy, and secondary prevention of stroke management considerations and strategies during pregnancy as addressed in the consensus statement. Some highlights of the acute stroke management during pregnancy consensus statement will also be presented. Participants will hear directly from the writing group Chairs, and engage in a question and answer period with them.
Learning Objectives
Participants of this program will be able to:
1. State the importance of an interdisciplinary team approach to management of stroke in pregnancy.
2. Describe counseling and risk factor screening considerations for a woman who has a history of stroke and is now pregnant or planning a pregnancy.
3. Develop a specifically-tailored management approach to secondary stroke prevention during pregnancy.
4. Discuss options for pharmacotherapy for antithrombotics and management of blood pressure.
Dr. Patrice Lindsay
Director, Stroke
Heart and Stroke Foundation
Dr. Rick Swartz
Medical Director North East GTA Regional Stroke Program
Director, University of Toronto Stroke Program
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine (Neurology),
University of Toronto
Dr. Noor Ladhani
Associate Scientist, Evaluative Clinical Sciences,
Women & Babies Research Program,
Sunnybrook Research Institute
Staff physician, maternal-fetal medicine,
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
Assistant professor,
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
University of Toronto