The Unseen Realm by Michael S. Heiser

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Heiser was one of the first to wake me up to the strangeness of my Bible. However I have some serious problems with his interpretations. He's obviously right about Deut. 32 and Ps. 82 (as plenty of other scholars realized before him), but as I remember his whole theory of the genocide of the Canaanites being justified because of their having traces of nephilim blood, and so not being purely human, is highly problematic. That simply does not get God off the hook for mass murder. He also tries to extend his textual exegesis to make philosophical claims that are just incoherent, like the idea that 'God knows future events that never happen.' He should really just stick with textual criticism. I also think his lack of understanding of Temple theology leads him to make seriously erroneous interpretations of John 3, Rev. 12, and elsewhere. All that said, you are right that he packages a lot of scholarly material in a popular format which works to at least get people curious about the strange things that might be taking place in their bibles, which I appreciate.
