The great Divergent Christian thinker of our time. What a gift he continues to be. Thank you whoever is keeping this going.
Dr. Heiser truly brought my bible back to life and put in focus what was missing. I wish i could have found him years ago and am very saddened by his passing.
BTW there is no doubt he is in the presence of our LORD
Dr. Mike is joyfully before Our Creator and Savior... Still, he is greatly missed.
Thank you Heavenly Father for this blessing and opportunity. Hosanna to The Highest in Heaven!
When I first heard Brother Michael many years ago I knew my whole view of Chritianity and what I had been taught was truly lacking.
I learned more from him than I ever could in a denominationl seminary.
Basics in seminary, depth from Michael Heisner
Such a gift to bring the Bible to life with a lecture!
I stumbled upon Mike's teachings this last year and have devoured everything I could find, even downloading the Logos Bible Software, and referring my niece to him as well. I believe his GREATEST GOD-GIVEN GIFT is his ability to break down confusing text into our everyday language. His retelling of conversations have me nodding along and smiling. He paraphrases for example, "Hey Fellas, you guys don't have a leg to stand on." His way around the various texts and sources is mind-blowing and so appreciated.
I am so sad the world has lost such a great man, a humble servant who always had his eyes set on high. He didn't care about fame, fortune or accolades; he simply wanted to shine a light on the lacking commentary out there. He changed my life and brought confusing topics out into the light of day and let the sun shine on them. Thank you to anyone and everyone who continues sharing his talks, teachings and diddies. I smile when I think of him and am jealous that he is pain free and finally has all the knowledge he could ever want and more. There are angels on earth, good ones, and he must have been one. At least in my life he was. 💛🖤💛
After listening to Dr. Heiser continually for the last 2.5 years I can tell there is a tone of annoyance in this message.
As well there should be!
For those that have been willing to listen over the last decade this man radically changed the theological landscape in the West.
Unfortunately, as we can tell by his tone many times in this particular message, there are far too many Church's that are not willing to listen.
His voice is a little bit hoarse therefore you can tell this was filmed sometime in the 12 months before he passed...
On this day, This is a man who knew he had a terminal illness and didn't know whether he was going to be here the next year and yet he kept teaching, he kept writing, he kept doing his podcast even to the point where he could barely talk.
He is truly one of the grandest examples of a "good and faithful servant" that has ever existed.
Thankfully, his books & teaching have revolutionized the lead pastors’ preaching at my church… that teaching has informed their biblical understanding, passing it on our congregation… As a result, I am insatiably devouring Mike’s books, videos and podcasts… reading the books of Enoch… and spreading the word to brothers and sisters, family and friends about The Unseen Realm…including Jewish friends… Want to honor his memory? Do the same…
19:00 - Angel of the Lord carrying "The Name of God" in him.
Rest in power Doc Heiser, you used your intellect to serve your master, Jesus Christ. I look forward to meet you in glory
2:19:20 ! 2:22:00 ! 2:30:00 "sorry for the rabbit trail" kkk - Amazing the summarizing that M S Heiser could do it. Praise God
What’s makes this “discovery” (how the Biblical writers used the world “Elohim”, Divine assembly of Psalms 82, Gen.6 worldview correction, etc) came only after 21 Centuries of Christianity! How could, indeed, these biblical understanding was missed in the first place by all biblical scholars and biblical commentators in the past? Even John Macarthur missed it!
I hope you’re hanging out with Adam, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Daniel, the disciples, right now!
It's was looking through my eyes as an image in front of me
I seen god and jesus so how can I not believe.
Williams Richard Lewis Kimberly Jackson Donna
Williams Barbara Lewis Jeffrey Lee Daniel
Just give the content. Edit the personal stuff. It's too time-consuming.
I greatly appreciate Br Heiser for his contribution to the body of Christ, but i have to say this whole "Yahweh raining down fire from Yahweh" does not necessarily prove there were two Yahweh figures (though i do believe Jesus our Savior is the angel of Yahweh and existed in Heaven with Yahweh and is likely the one who manifested to those individuals who "saw God, " or Yahweh, but i do not believe at all they are both the same. Yahweh is ALONE God, while Jesus is his "unique Son" who did have a start to his existence, though again as a spirit diety in heaven with his father. Im not Trinitarian as you may have noticed, but i am also not Unitarian in the sense of denying Christ's prehuman spirit existence (and no, im not a JW either lol)
Look at 1 Kings 8:1: Then Solomon assembled the elders of Israel, and all the heads of the tribes, the chief of the fathers of the children of Israel, unto king Solomon in Jerusalem, that they might bring up the ark of the covenant of the LORD out of the city of David, which is Zion.
Are there two Solomons here? Obviously not, so the point of two Yahweh figures based on the language of Genesis doesn't prove anything about two Yahwehs, it is the way the Hebrew Scriptures were written. God bless 🙏