SPA v SSG performance - I didn't expect this result (Vue, Nuxt, Vercel)
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I have 2 APPs one #SSG and one #SPA all originating from the same codebase and running on the same infrastructure. Which one will be faster?
There is a lot of talk out there in the industry promoting SSG as the way to build APP as they are faster and better SEO. But I haven't proven that for myself yet, and being a typical cynical CTO I went out to prove it for myself one way or another. What I found was not what I expected and the journey to the final result really helped me understand what performance means today with the new frontend frameworks out there.
The Apps were the Iron Maiden Apps I build and used on my other videos that show how to model business concepts and UX with a Headless CMS (#Amplience). Also demonstrated the migration of a Vue SPA to a NUXT SSG application. All of them are hosted on Vercel and driven by the Amplience CMS.
Online tools I used
Webpagetest by CatchPoint
Pingdom by SolarWinds
00:00 Introduction to SPA v SSG performance
01:41 SPA v SSG architecture
03:16 Lighthouse testing of SPA & SSG
06:13 Lighthouse results analysis deep dive
08:01 Pingdom and WebPageTest testing of SPA & SSG
11:02 SSG & SPA side by side comparison
There is a lot of talk out there in the industry promoting SSG as the way to build APP as they are faster and better SEO. But I haven't proven that for myself yet, and being a typical cynical CTO I went out to prove it for myself one way or another. What I found was not what I expected and the journey to the final result really helped me understand what performance means today with the new frontend frameworks out there.
The Apps were the Iron Maiden Apps I build and used on my other videos that show how to model business concepts and UX with a Headless CMS (#Amplience). Also demonstrated the migration of a Vue SPA to a NUXT SSG application. All of them are hosted on Vercel and driven by the Amplience CMS.
Online tools I used
Webpagetest by CatchPoint
Pingdom by SolarWinds
00:00 Introduction to SPA v SSG performance
01:41 SPA v SSG architecture
03:16 Lighthouse testing of SPA & SSG
06:13 Lighthouse results analysis deep dive
08:01 Pingdom and WebPageTest testing of SPA & SSG
11:02 SSG & SPA side by side comparison