Welcome to the Oppression Olympics

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00:00 Intro
07:01 What IS a ‘transvestigation’?
10:44 Who Plays the Game? Oppression Olympics and Intersectionality
17:16 Oppression Olympics and the LGBTQ Community
26:56 Oppression Olympics and You
31:15 Conclusion



Hancock, Ange-Marie. Intersectionality: an Intellectual History. 2016
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My favorite comparison in this regard: someone drowning in a four meter deep lake is just as much in need of help as someone drowning in a six meter deep lake.


One perspective that I have seen previously said and which I agree with:
The IBA shouldn't release any information about those tests. Not because they have or don't have something to say about Khalif's sex, but because medical information should remain classified and not something the public has a right to see. Athletes deserve privacy too.


Had a sociology professor create a list on the board. One side said Male and the other Female. She asked the class to categorize what they think are gender characteristics of each sex. Very quickly, the class broke into confusion. Almost all characteristics listed could fall into either category because yeah, people vary in body types and attributes. This opened her discussion of gender in class and for the first time I felt like my classmates understood the difference between gender and assigned sex. They also began to understand how these strict gendered roles and weird picking apart of people’s bodies and genitalia affected everyone. We had discussions too about intersex individuals and how this obsession with others bodies is invasive and not conclusive as to if someone is or isn’t trans. Cis and not cis. I’m non-binary. Cis people are the ones who receive the most “gendered” care. I have a coworker who is a cis woman who I got to talk with about being on Testosterone, because she needed to take it because her levels were low! Everyone has all the hormones! It’s about the balance of said hormones.


Also the idea that Algeria would send a trans athlete to the olympics is ridiculous considering that being trans is illegal there.


Fun fact, I was once removed from the women's bathroom in a station in Milano because a lady in the cue claimed that I was trans. I'm definitely not but I took it as a compliment and laughed it off. I'm still wondering if it was being 6ft tall or my strong jaw which 'tipped her off' but sadly since the only way to put her right would have been dropping my pants and getting arrested I chose to simply hold on until I'd left the station. Transphobia definitely has started to criminalize not having a feminine appearance!


Why anybody thinks Elon should be listened to is beyond me.


"We hate Group A much, we'd rather keep oppressing Groups B, C, & D, who we supposedly support, rather than give Group A any rights." Sounds like an exhausting hill to die on.


Thank you for speaking up for the Trans community as a cis lesbian. Thank you so very much. So many people don't see how helping Trans people helps LGBTQ+ folk.


The IBA was stripped of its title due to its close links to the Russian government, in case folks are wondering. Khelif had- incidentally - beaten a russian boxer just before they transvestigated her


Why does Rowling get to compete in Author as a man (Robert Galbrait or whatever), but a woman doesn't get to compete in women's sports according to Rowling?


I spent too much energy arguing with people on social media about this. Had to point out to too many people that it's super creepy to screenshot and zoom in on someone's crotch. They get strangely quiet when you point that out


I was sexually abused by a doctor in highschool because someone said I was a man when I was a biological woman so I had to be "checked". For swim team


Jessica you literally made me cry when you got to the talk about comparing pain. I think I needed that, our brains can be so mean. 💜💜💜


And yet NOBODY is out here talking about how white, CIS, male, Michael Phelps has a genetic disorder preventing his muscles from causing the chemical reaction with calcium telling his brain there is muscle pain from over exertion. He literally has a genetic advantage over all other swimmers, but yay hero boy.

I am not asking to punish him for this. I AM asking we don’t punish others for their genetic advantage.


when people say stupid shit like "your depression doesn't matter because there are starving people in """third world""" (they always use this phrase) countries" don't seem to understand that people in those countries also suffer depression and there are starving people in their own country


JK Rowling in any discussion is just disheartening. One of the greatest disappointments from my teenage years.


25:00 I am Russian lesbian. I know that it is out of topic, but I want to share my story. So I left Russia a year and a half ago, but i still visit it a lot. So this summer while visiting Russia, I was protesting, even though it’s literally deadly dangerous. I was sticking LGBT support fliers to the buildings, wearing LGBT support badges, and just screaming some stuff out on the street. I know it sound like nothing, but that’s all I could do as a 13 year old girl. The thing is that in that age, if I get caught my parents would get in jail. When I turn 14 it’s already me who is going to jail, so I can do more stuff. It does sound like an excuse, but you can just google cases when kids were put in jail for posting videos that support LGBT, Ukraine, or anything else that our government doesn’t.


Good for her. I'm glad Khelif is suing. Some people need to learn about consequences.


I can't believe there are people in the comment section that are genuinely surprised that Jessica supports trans people, specifically trans athletes when it's literally backes by science that they don't have some crazy biological advantage.

Anyways, thanks again Jessica for a lovely, well made video. Always a pleasure to see you upload.


Thank you Jessica 💕 I'm just waiting for R0wling to release her own chromosome test results - my prediction? 50% mould, 50% pure hatred
