The Flash (2023) - Dark Flash Scene | Movieclips

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The Flash - Dark Flash: The Flash (Ezra Millers) tries to save the multiverse from his darker side.

Worlds collide in "The Flash" when Barry uses his superpowers to travel back in time in order to change the events of the past. But when his attempt to save his family inadvertently alters the future, Barry becomes trapped in a reality in which General Zod has returned, threatening annihilation, and there are no Super Heroes to turn to. That is, unless Barry can coax a very different Batman out of retirement and rescue an imprisoned Kryptonian... albeit not the one he's looking for. Ultimately, to save the world that he is in and return to the future that he knows, Barry's only hope is to race for his life. But will making the ultimate sacrifice be enough to reset the universe?

TM & © Warner Bros. Pictures (2023)
Cast: Ezra Miller
Director: Andy Muschietti
Screenwriter: Christina Hodson

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I love the concept here. A macabre portrait of self-destructive obsession, the time traveler spending his whole life losing the same unwinnable struggle, slowly destroying himself with every attempt. I especially love that his "armor" is just the accumulated Kryptonian shrapnel that's been fused to his body, piece by piece. And the line I love the most is "I've got it almost figured out." How many times has he told himself that and lied?
Great concept, but the writing here wasn't finished. What he's trying to achieve in this scene changes every time he opens his mouth. He attacks Barry. Then he asks for his help in another attempt. Then he says HE'S the one who set these events in motion, for reasons not explained. Then he tries to kill Barry.
This was ALMOST a good scene, but the storytelling is fundamentally flawed.


"If you can't fix what's broken, you'll go insane."


My theory:

Dark Flash defeated Zod a long time ago, but more problems came along, and no matter how much he tried to change for the better, it was never enough to save his world


According to behind the scenes, they said that Dark Flash has been doing this for about 40 years and is now in his mid 50s


Although the CGI was bad, I really liked Andy Muschietti's take on the Speed Force and the multiverse. I thought it was very creative.


The Flash does suppose to age slow, so Dark Flash could have been doing this for like over a hundred years


This version of Dark Flash shares many similarities to Zurg from Pixar’s Lightyear; both characters are futuristic and villainous versions of the hero, and they both are obsessed with their own goals to the point where they don’t care who gets affected. Not to mention they both had great concepts that were not executed well.


I honestly think a really cool move would to hit someone with a supersonic punch, and since Barry’s so fast, run around the earth for a super powered one, and just keep doing that on repeat. He’d be able to do it like 7 times per second and the villain would get screwed over. Barry’s arm would also heal bc of his healing factor (he heals at super speed)


I like the idea that Dark Flash has such a difficult time defeating Zod and his men. Helps to show how impressive Superman is. He did it all on his one. 1 Kryptonian vs at least a dozen and he managed to defeat them all.

Whereas The Flash, despite being much faster, could not do it. Because Barry doesn’t have the other abilities that Superman has. Just imo.


The villain is this scene is the guy who made the cgi


I found it so weird that in this Flash movie, we didn't get a single Flash enemy lmao. I would've been so hype to see Eobard Thawne here.


Man, this was really rough for Young Barry. He's here with two different older versions of himself. First, he got to know Original Barry who told him he's destined to become a superhero. And now, he finds out that he was on the path to becoming a terrifying villain. Two possible futures of his and before his sacrifice, he had a short moment of wondering which path version of himself would be his fate.


I went to see this movie because of Andy Muschietti

I love when horror directors make superhero movies

And despite everything that caused it to bomb, I had a really good time watching it

I think Muschietti did a great job, and I'm really looking forward to see his take on the DCU's "Brave and the Bold"


I loved the film, I who am not a fan of DC films and the DC universe in general, apart from when it's Superman and Batman who are the juggernauts of this universe (always favorite marvel personally) make it recognized that this film sent me a lot of nostalgia in my face to see Micheal Keaton, George Clooney, Christopher Reeves again (even if it's not the real one) then Erza Miller whom I didn't like personally in the justice league whether it was Snyder Cut or the normal version but I loved it in short one of the only DCEU movies that I loved it has the merit of at least burying the DCEU in a good way in my opinion 😊.


I can literally imagine general Zod being confused on why there is a million of Dark flash just roaming around tryna kill him


They should’ve had Reverse Flash (Eobard Thawne) as the main villain for the movie.


Miguel in the background saying I told you so. Flash broke the canon event of him losing a parental figure, and brining his mom back to life caused that universe to fall apart.


"Time is...inconsequential."

Yeaaaah. I don't think your body agrees with you.


considering barry's speed gives him decelerated aging, you can only imagine how long dark flash must've been trying to change the events to make him actually look old


I'd like to think that Barry did take out Zod a few times, but then some other random things happened to kill Kara.

Maybe in one timeline, Barry knocked Zod into his ship, but the force of the explosion killed Zod and Kara. In another, he gave Kara a victory hug and stabbed her with all that shrapnel. In another, they made it back to Batman's home but then Kara died of a heart attack. Just nonsense every time. Think of that Doctor Strange What If episode.
