Helicopter Flight Goes HORRIFYING WRONG | Seaworld Helicopter Crash 2023

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On Monday January 2, 2023, two groups of families and friends went aboard two Sea World helicopters in Gold Coast, Queensland to enjoy a 5 minute scenic flight. It was supposed to be an unforgettable memory over the state's coastlines and beautiful turquoise waters.

But they did not know that a terrible nightmare awaited them....

Sea World is one of Australia's best tourist attractions. It is a premier marine theme park with its own oceanarium and features an amazing array of animal exhibits and exciting rides. From polar bears to penguins and dolphins, this location is very popular among children of diverse ages. At the same time, the exciting attractions, such as Vortex and Leviathan, attract the attention of adult visitors looking for intense thrills. It is therefore understandable that thousands of people come to the park every day to have fun with their families and friends.

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As a retired 47 year career Commercial/USAF pilot, this accident is maddening to say the least. The Mark one eyeball is still the primary "tool" to be utilized for collision avoidance. So many missed opportunities to see and avoid the other aircraft. Required radio calls as to present position and altitude can not be over emphasized !! Structured flight paths from uncontrolled arrivals and departures must be observed in such confined, high density airspace. Helicopters have the luxury of slower speeds, hover ability, and, imo, excellent visibility. New Age pilots love to stare at the pretty electronic displays with the magical colors and do not spend enough time looking beyond the plexiglass.


It breaks my heart when I hear about a mother and their child in any accident together. 1983 when I was 10. We were in a horrific car accident. My sister 17 yrs old with a 8 month old son. He had to grow up without his mom.


Those helicopters were so torn up, I'm surprised that anyone survived


When you see the front of that helicopter gone, it's a miracle the pilot was able to land it in that sand bar. Amazing.


In the environment like this (and 90% of others) are dark color helicopters a nightmare. These colors should be banned because you cant see them in front of the glass buildings, not under you over the road, not even over the sky in many cases. But big respect to the ace who was able to land the second one in this state.


I was on the beach when this happened, the sound they made when they collided was kind of like when lawn mower blades strike a cement slab. Made us look up pretty dam quick. It was surreal to watch.


This is why I don't do touristy things.


Sunday 27 august Australian time, 3 US soldiers have died in an Osprey crash in the Tiwi islands north of Darwin Australia.


In some ways, this reminds me of the collision of two news helicopters in Phoenix Arizona.


I would only ride in a helicopter or on a motorcycle if I am fleeing somewhere more dangerous than riding a helicopter or motorcycle. 47 years old and has not happened yet.


I was in my dads boat coming back from fishing when I heard a helicopter going over I looked up as inhad gone in a helicopter only a few months earlier but as I look yo about 10 seconds later I see another vehicle out the corner of my eye I scream to my dad to stop the boat as I say it I just hear the most gut wrenching sound of metal hitting and helicopter rotors failing then multiple bangs of the helicopters hitting the ground as we were close we had to go help I remember seeing thing I will never be able to unsee and I’m still getting therapy for I will never forget that day as not only was I affected and the families my friends dad was good friends with the pilot who passed and she was with us that day


I want you to tell me how you're going to make me believe that the passenger was able to see the other chopper and attempted to alert his pilot more than once of the oncoming other helicopter.
But the pilot could not see the approaching chopper.
Is very evident to me that the pilot totally ignored the passengers attempts to warn him.
You can see that he never look towards the oncoming chopper when he was first alerted and subsequently warned.
If that pilot had adhered to the initial warning of the approaching chopper, that incident could have been avoided.
They can say whatever they want, but the video cannot be disputed.


Yeah I don't want a helicopter ride for any amount of gold. I wouldn't even want to be rescued off a mountain by one.
They go down way too often.
Usually everyone dies. Those that lived are lucky.


Such an underappreciated YouTuber/channel.


I remember a similar accident off of Galveston Texas in the 80's. I lost a good friend.


Oh this could have been a whole lot worse.Good job the choppers landed where the did...could have landed in a more populated part of the park.😢🙏


Went there in 2012 when I was 16 and saw a near miss between helicopters. Pointed out to by dad how stupid it was not having a controll tower. He still went flying in one that day but I was nervous


How the hell do two giant helicopters crash into each other?? This is astounding. Thank you for this story.


Agreed, The Colour schemes of the Helicopter's must be a bit more unique compared to others, The Buildings for a formidable back drop and it is easy to lose sight of Aircraft and with all the Air Traffic using this Airspace something needs to be done to control separation of flights from one to the other, A simple verbal ok is not good enough and the results speak for themselves, What if the Aircraft had been in a Commercial Corridor for Airlines and was mistaken by both Pilot and Air Traffic Control, I hark back to the Pacific Southwest airlines flight that had a mid air collision with a light plane inside the supposed Air Traffic Control area, Better Coms systems are needed but are these Helicopters fitted with Proximity sensors to advise Aircraft in your Zone and take immediate measures to stop a mid air.
A well put together Video of that Days Tragedy, Rest In Peace to those sadly taken far to soon


Maybe helicopters should have proximity alert gadget, something like TCAS on jumbo jets
