Income Equality Screws Over Millennials. Here's Why...

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As a boomer, I lucked out on education. I was able to make enough during the summer to pay for tuition and books. Unluckily, I had veteran's benefits for a couple years that was enough to pay for my dorm because my father had died. But U.S. wages started stagnating about the time I started my career. So I worked harder and longer; became a workaholic. That and some poor choices cost me two marriages. I can't emphasize how much that costs. So I stayed single and got more education pay-as-you-go. That started to work out, but then 2008 came along when I was in my mid-50s. No one hires people over fifty in high tech. Just wanted to let you millennials know that y'all aren't the only ones screwed by the rich. As time goes on, I see the poor indoctrinated conservatives becoming more viscous as they fight over the scraps tossed down; hence Trump. Average decent people should take the time to see where the money behind candidates is coming from. It takes effort! Do not vote for corporatists, no matter what they say! If things don't get better (reversed income inequality), it will take a revolution to reform the economy and civics. That can be most dangerous because it can too easily result in a dictatorship.


I make around 30k a year, and that's still barely enough to support myself as a single man. I've kinda had enough of being told that I'm lazy or I've had everything handed to me, I work my ass off and I still don't earn enough to live on my own.


"Everyone can enjoy a life of luxurious leisure if the machine-produced wealth is shared, or most people can end up miserably poor if the machine-owners successfully lobby against wealth redistribution. So far, the trend seems to be toward the second option, with technology driving ever-increasing inequality, " - Stephen Hawking

If capitalism is the best system, as many politicians would claim, why are the best and brightest people in modern history outright against it?


I dont have a High school diploma or GED. At 33 years old. . .I've been working since 8 years old; wrote my first carbon copy contracts for yard service at 10; started restaurant entry level job of dishwasher at 15 working up to busser and finally waiter in 3 years. At 18 I started an entry level warehouse job and learned forklift certification, hazmat certification, and the general factors for being a warehouseman in every respect. At 22 I moved onto a better paying warehouseman job making 22.18 per hour after my first year. At age 25 I moved onto yet another job: martial arts instructor. I still can charge 25.00 an hour after 10 years but do you know what Im going to apply for tomorrow. . .a dishwashing job.

In the end just do what makes you happy. Be smart about your choices regarding education cost vs payout vs job market. Take what you can get and build; just like your education: success doesn't have a finish line.


mistitled--- dont u mean 'income INequality'???


Do you mean income INEQUALITY not income EQUALITY screws over millenials? FIX YOUR TITLE.


Right on! When I graduated from college in 1979, we had far more job opportunities and our dollars went much further.


Millennials are not killing the paper napkin industry. I am Gen X and when my parents gifted me my first "welcome apartment package" and gave me like toilet paper, napkins, paper towels, glass cleaner, etc... that was the only time I ever had napkins. I never used them. It was much easier to use paper towels and keeping one item in my pantry saved space in a tiny apartment. It is just a useless item for households really reserved for when you have parties and such.


Change the title to "Inequality"


Hi Francis,
Hi Francis,

I know this is a long post, but I hope someone at TYT makes the effort and takes the time to read it. I am a 62-year-old university professor. I have worked for over 20 years at a state university and love my job. It is the most fulfilling job I have ever had and interacting with students is a privilege. I also have children dealing with the problem described in your video. Income inequality for the working class and lack of job opportunities for new graduates are real problems and unfortunately with the recent tax cuts I fear will be far worse. This should be a top priority. By the way my parents were poor working-class people and I am a first-generation college graduate. I was able to finance and receive my degrees due to the G.I. bill benefits I received while serving in the military, work, and student loans.

But there is another fact you mentioned that is overlooked. In the years that I have been a university professor I have seen drastic increases in tuition costs. What is not widely known is this cost is greatly impacted by the lack of funding by the State Government. For example, staff at all levels, may go for years without any pay increase. When the University does get an increase allocated by the State government for employee pay increases the University must provide funding also. This is because only a portion of funding comes from the State leaving the University to find the additional funds within their budget to make up the unfunded difference. New buildings are built but no money is allocated for upkeep of existing buildings, Students must pay extra fees, such as technology fees, to keep the University technologically current. In many states the State Government funding for Universities is far less than the University’s contribution (Louisiana State University for example). My question is at what funding level does a State University stop being a State University?

I am a huge Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren fan and support the movement for decreasing the wage gap. Perhaps you could be the champion for some of the other underlying problems that higher education faces that impacts students today.

TYT member,
R. Bryan Kethley PhD


Um....exactly how does income EQUALITY screw over anyone? Fix the title fool.


oh hey Francis its been a while, i missed you


I am a gen x (first couple of years) and I gotta say the I am in absolute awe of you. I kinda wish I was born 12 years later. I admit that I would not want the struggles you have but you have many things that I didn't (computers, cell phones to name two) Be that as it may, it is not right nor fair for my generation and the previous generations to blame all that is wrong in the world on you... Though I am not aware of doing that, if I have please accept my sincere apology. Unfortunately, this is all I can do. At 50 years old I am already completely disabled and can not work. But, I promise that I will do what I can to help change this nation to something that forgets no one, not the elder generations, not Gen X'ers, and certainly not you for you are our future. Sorry this is long.


Generation X here, and will have over 40k in student debt when I’m done with my BA in Human Services at the end of the year. Sure, I can do the ten year loan forgiveness program because I work in non-profit, but that means my monthly loan payment will be ridiculously high. I can choose my rent or loan payment, but not both.


I mean why can't we have a living wage like minimum wage was suppose to be? I don't excel at economics but maybe we can find a wage that's acceptable all around?


The title says "Income EQUALITY screws over Millenials", FYI


Bernie Sanders and the like need to use independent media on the regular!!!TYT and independent media need to be a household name!


I strongly believe that if Bernie runs in 2020 he will win. Should've won in 2016 but late is better than never.


Please correct the headline: Equality vs Inequality.


Until c1984 education was fair, i went to UC Santa Cruz back then and it cost me about $2000 year, not $25, 000 year like today. Stanford law was $7000 year in 1977 and today far exceeds $50, 000 year. Because corporations control your life
