Using DNA to identify offenders & victims of violent crime (Barbara Rae Venter)

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I will explore the use of autosomal DNA testing in solving cases of “unknown parentage”, from adoptees, to the unknown victims of violent crime, to violent offenders. I will also discuss some of the issues raised by the use of public databases such as GEDmatch in solving these cases.

This lecture was presented at Genetic Genealogy Ireland 2018 in Dublin. Please note that these GGI2018 videos are copyrighted to the presenter and should only be used for personal study. They are not to be used for any other purpose without the presenter's express permission. Also, please note that because this is a rapidly advancing field, the content may quickly become outdated.

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Barbara's book "I know who you are" is now (Feb 2023) available. Im about half way through it and highly recommend it so far.
