Все публикации

A Tale of Triangulated Segments - DNA & early records from Clones & North America (Peter McWilliam)

Expert Panel Discussion - GGI2020 Belfast

Distance No Object - It’s a Family Matter! (A joint talk by wife & husband, Alison & Ken Tait)

The Tree of Mankind from FTDNA (Mike Sager)

The Power of X to unlock Family Mysteries (Martin Hayden)

Never Give Up – Miracles Do Happen (an adoption story) - Cathal McElgunn

DNA for Beginners (Andy Hochreiter)

Double Helix History (Jerome de Groot)

Using Y-DNA in Practice (James Irvine)

Fermanagh-Monaghan transborder DNA & History (Cathal McElgunn)

Y-SNP Testing: best current tools & a glimpse into the future (John Cleary)

Untangling a Tumbleweed Branch of the Y-DNA Tree (John Brazil)

GDPR, Privacy & Data Protection (James Irvine)

WATO - the latest tool for your atDNA (Andrew Millard)

Raising the Dead (Martin McDowell)

Finding Missing Persons with DNA (Debbie Kennett)

Developments in O'Neill Clan genealogy (The O'Neill Project Team)

The North East Galway DNA Project (Martin Curley)

Unusual Use of Third Party Tools (Cathal McElgunn)

DNA Testing for genealogy - the basics (Donna Rutherford)

Introducing DNA Painter (Katherine Borges)

Ethical issues & the social application of DNA (Panel Discussion)

Using DNA to identify offenders & victims of violent crime (Barbara Rae Venter)

How DNA can help at Tuam (Maurice Gleeson)