Simple Drawing Exercise - Creating a Mood Board for Illustration and Character Design #short #shorts

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#short #youtubeshorts #artshort
*Stay tuned to see how I go about choosing colours for this illustration!

Are you intimidated by the idea generation and just just general getting started part of illustration and character design? Then this exercise is for you! Find 5-10 images of images (doesn’t even have to be images, you can find textures, pattern, colours, anything!) that speak to the style you are looking for. By this I mean the general aesthetic, feeling, personality of the character/object/whatever it is you are wanting to draw/create. then use these images to inform and inspire your own work, combining elements, changing certain things you don’t like, and just having fun with existing visual stimuli. You will see how easy it is to create something when you surround yourself with inspiration. this is the number one practise I learnt in design school that really helped me to start, and continue, to create. Give it a try!

Here are some places you can find inspiration .Remember, do not copy something outright. You want to be inspired, and you can combine pieces to make something new. But do not copy others art work or photography, and even with royalty free images, you want to create something original so just copying an image will result in a bore fest. Be mindful of coming up with your own ideas while constantly being inspired :)

Рекомендации по теме

Do you find using a mood board is helpful when creating visual work?


Hi Katie, did you notice your drawing videos are popular. I have a feeling you could blow up continuing your drawing exercises. I'm also an artist (LOL, no where near your talent), and you're talented. Keep sharing your drawing skills.
