Epsilon-6 launches RAISE-3, QPS-SAR-3 and QPS-SAR-4

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JAXA’s sixth Epsilon Launch Vehicle (イプシロンロケット6, Epsilon-6) launched the Innovative Satellite Technology Demonstration-3 mission from the from the Uchinoura Space Center, in Kagoshima, Japan, on 12 October 2022, at 00:50:43 UTC (09:50:43 Japan Standard Time, JST). The main payload is the RApid Innovative payload demonstration SatellitE-3 (小型実証衛星3号機, RAISE-3), that includes LEOMI, SDRX, GEMINI, KIR, TMU-PPT, D-SAIL and HELIOS.
As secondary payloads, Epsilon-6 launched satellites QPS-SAR-3 and QPS-SAR-4; microsatellites KOYOH, PETREL and STARS-X; and CubeSats MAGNARO, MITSUBA, KOSEN-2, WASEDA-SAT-ZERO, FSI-SAT.
Credit: Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
As secondary payloads, Epsilon-6 launched satellites QPS-SAR-3 and QPS-SAR-4; microsatellites KOYOH, PETREL and STARS-X; and CubeSats MAGNARO, MITSUBA, KOSEN-2, WASEDA-SAT-ZERO, FSI-SAT.
Credit: Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
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