Oh gosh the sound of the crunch at the end is incredible concernedcitizen
Oh gosh the sound of the crunch at the end is incredible
Oh, the "T A P A T I O" guy ElectroLegacy-vs
Oh, the "T A P A T I O" guy
Dude I don't know why this doesn't have more likes!!! 💕 BrittneyAnderson-gun
Dude I don't know why this doesn't have more likes!!! 💕
Where have you been all my life?Love, love, love, love, love this video. Thank you! thergreenpproject
Where have you been all my life?Love, love, love, love, love this video. Thank you!
That looks insanely delicious! What is chote powder specifically? yolandadelazerda
That looks insanely delicious! What is chote powder specifically?
Sparkling water! Learned something new today! joannaflowers
Sparkling water! Learned something new today!
This dude is a freakin genius..not once in the 25 years I've been on this planet did I think to batter fries 😮 jaynikk
This dude is a freakin genius..not once in the 25 years I've been on this planet did I think to batter fries 😮
I have a bag of Rally's fries in my freezer as we speak 😋 ShanecaRene
I have a bag of Rally's fries in my freezer as we speak 😋
I guess if you don't have sparkling water, a little baking powder can help. racquelrobinson
I guess if you don't have sparkling water, a little baking powder can help.
I haven't had Checker's fries in.. decades. I gotta try this. labeardod
I haven't had Checker's fries in.. decades. I gotta try this.
And now sprinkle some TAPATAIO powder on that shiz Itspatree
And now sprinkle some TAPATAIO powder on that shiz
As a belgian i approve of this (even though ill prob still prefere the good ol classic with just salt and mayo) BackroomBandit
As a belgian i approve of this (even though ill prob still prefere the good ol classic with just salt and mayo)
Big eats world is the Best on YouTube. Never lets us down. Dive-Bar-Casanova
Big eats world is the Best on YouTube. Never lets us down.
I miss deep-drying things in oil! Like it's early 2000's pre air fryers. LaurenStone-bcwr
I miss deep-drying things in oil! Like it's early 2000's pre air fryers.
Use corn or potato starch to increase the crispness even more Zybewinzit
Use corn or potato starch to increase the crispness even more
"And some sparkling water " Andrew Tate: i see a Top G there prabhkiratsinghmarwah
"And some sparkling water " Andrew Tate: i see a Top G there
If you fry them first at 325 then freeze them and fry again at 375 then they will be crispy and not soggy like in this video. 👍🏼 ypcomchic
If you fry them first at 325 then freeze them and fry again at 375 then they will be crispy and not soggy like in this video. 👍🏼
I think that a snickers is more worthy of being battered and fried compared to a french fry and i used to eat a lot of seasoned fries JC-deik
I think that a snickers is more worthy of being battered and fried compared to a french fry and i used to eat a lot of seasoned fries
Can someone please share a list of the spices? mistrelegesse
Can someone please share a list of the spices?
You should put the recipe in description 😁 maryom
You should put the recipe in description 😁