Why We No Longer Use Masterbooks | The Truth: Master Books to My Father's World Curriculum

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You've been asking, and asking, and asking. Today, I'll finally give you answers.
Disclaimer: I still love Masterbooks. I still recommend them. I'm not telling you to switch curriculum. I'm just showing you what works for us and our personal situation. My Father's World Curriculum just meets our needs more right now.

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Girl I hear ya. Dealt with health issues this past school year and it is hard! Prayers for you. And encouragement to you as well.


I went from MFW to Masterbooks. I absolutely love Masterbooks, and it may not be for everyone. That is the beauty of homeschooling.


Mandy, Thank you so much for being open about your switch. Your Masterbooks videos helped me so much! We have chosen to use Masterbooks this year for 2nd and pre-k because of some of your videos. I hope we like it and it helps as much as it did for your family. Sometimes things only work for a season. Thank you for also review My father's World, as one day we may need to switch. Your videos are so real and truthful, that as a new homeschool mom, I need that. So again, Thank you and never be afraid to be real. God Bless!


We've bounced between various curriculum for a few years but finally are finding joy with Masterbooks. My 10yo son has hugged me multiple times after finishing a lesson in LA or math. We've tried MFW but it was so expensive and not for us.
Praise God these kiddos have awesome momma's like us who invest in their lives 💕🙌📚✝️


You are not alone! I don’t drive, so coops are out. I’ve never felt the need to do a morning basket. Nature walks are “go outside and play”. Poetry tea time just doesn’t appeal to me. And our little town doesn’t have a library, so used books it is.


I appreciate your review! I love how you explain what works for you may not for another family. I think it's so important for new homeschoolers to understand that (it took me 9 years to figure that out!) Curriculum shopping is overwhelming with all the choices. Ironically, we tried MFW 2 different years because I really wanted to love it, but it ended up not working for us as a family. We thrive on simple, open and go, straight forward curriculum in workbook form. MFW was too teacher intensive for me with 4 kids at very different levels academically. MB was exactly what we needed, and we have used it for 2 years now 💁‍♀️. We do have a home library with literature from MFW and Sonlight reading lists, which we love.


I loved MFW. My baby just graduated using them. When I started with MFW they didn't have a high school program. And they announced that there wouldn't be one. But alas, minds changed. As you described, one of the reasons that I moved to MFW (many moons ago) was their Bible curriculum. Also, I loved how they thread Biblical concepts & academic topics through different subjects. Beware, now I have adult children that love to debate on every & any topic - thanks MFW! Recently I argued (OK. let's call it - passionately discussed) with my resident animator about the classical songs that played on old cartoons. I had to smile when I remembered MFW's classical music studies. Now I know some folks get on MFW because they feel they need to supplement the curriculum. I didn't care - my nickname in some circles as "the supplement queen". Because of our family background (very international & deep US roots), I found that I would have to do this regardless of which curriculum was chosen.
But again learning how your child learns is key. Pick what fits. And don't be afraid to change, if needed. For some of my kids, certain subjects had to be tweaked. Do what works for your child! And keep it FUN! Remember you are preparing them for a lifetime of learning.


I’m a new homeschooling mom and moved from The Classical Historian to Master Books. I have not relieved it yet but I’m super excited to get it based off of what I have seen and read and what You Tube videos I have seen. I think my 8th grader is really going to enjoy this year in history. For the time being he is going in with his 4th grade brother on The American Revolution and he is loving that too. He adds a lot to our conversations which is really cool! I like having them together! Thank you for you honest video. I actually feel like I made the right choice going with MasterBooks. Thank you very much!!!


Just subscribed! Great video! We are using the My Father's World kindergarten curriculum this year, and it has been such a joy seeing our littles actually WANT to learn and do school every morning. We love the Charlotte Mason approach that it has, and are looking forward to using it for years to come! :)


You do not need to feel bad one bit, nor does your son! Abeka is an amazing opportunity for him to have and for him to WANT it, good for him!!! Happy homeschooling, young man!


I don't think it's as shocking to hear that you are not using a certain curriculum any more. :) With so many great options out there, anything we pick will be a GOOD pick. There is no perfect curriculum, and with so many choices out there, isn't it nice we have the freedom to choose and change? I'm never married to one curriculum company and feel free to change each year as needed. We aren't a slave to curriculum :) Glad you adapt to your kiddos and their and your needs!
We used MFW Exploring Countries and Cultures a few years ago and we loved it! I just can't bring my self to spending money on a box curriculum every year, but I think it's great for large families that need that!


I picked Robinson Curriculum because I have a chronic disease and have required multiple surgeries (endometriosis) and I really wanted to homeschool bit still have them set up that they can work through their day with or with mom feeling well. We do just 3Rs and bible time. That includes spelling, grammar, vocab and I added harp laurel wreath poetry and recitation book along with memory verses and catechism. All our subjects are in books. My youngest is learning to read and write but the older children are independent learner's and then we do group time for bible time and poetry and read alouds. RC gives you k-12 books digital with one purchase. Use as ereaders or print. Way cheaper. I only buy books we really want, others we print it or ereaders. No workbooks. No purchases each year except saxon math books. Ink, paper, binding and your set k-12 all in one purchase.


There is no one perfect curriculum for everyone. That's why there is so many. Everyone needs to have an open mind for their children. We use MB and love them. I also love other curriculums like Sonlight.


I'm using Exploring Countries and Cultures this year for one of my kids. We've used MFW for K (and LOVED it), but we've never used a history cycle. I'm so excited to use it! We did use Masterbooks this year for history. We really enjoyed the "textbook" but the worksheets they had just left a lot to be desired for us, unfortunately. Anyway, I'm looking forward to this coming year! I have one doing MFW and my oldest is using Mystery of History.


We love the history and science of masterbooks. Grades 5 and 7


You did a great job with a classy review. Even though MB is not for you, you have done a wonderful job helping me see why this year is perfect for our family to do MB just as your previous reviews sent me to MB. It is so refreshing to have a thoughtful commentary and comparison.

For the record I wish ABEKA and MFW worked for us!

Anyway, thanks much! Love your channel and I’m so glad to be here! ❤️


I buy books from Masterbooks, but the curriculum didn't work for us.


We’re about to begin our homeschooling journey with Master Books for K and pre-K. I completely understand your decision to switch to a curriculum that works for your kids and your family at this time. Isn’t that why we all homeschool in the first place? Best wishes for a great start to the new school year!!


I've decided to do Masterbooks for grades 1-3 and MFW for grades 4-8 (for the family cycle). I couldn't justify the MFW price tag for early elementary when my kids weren't even doing the subjects together (I'm willing to throw down serious money for a family style curriculum due to the sheer convenience of it). I don't even really remember school before 3rd grade, apart from some traumatic moments related to math so...not gonna spend $$$ on it.


We've been homeschooling for 5-6 years, and I have been known to completely switch cirriculum in the middle of the year because it's just not working for us. Thats pretty much it -- if it's not working for your kids, you need to find something else. Masterbook has been an answered prayer for us though, and the only thing that has worked for everyone. I am so sad it took us so long to find it.
