Deploy NodeJS Microservice on AWS App Runner with Github Actions

Показать описание
00:00 - Introduction
01:00 - What is AWS App Runner and explanation of Github Actions pipeline
05:55 - Add GitHub Actions in NodeJS Repo and deploy to AWS App Runner
15:22 - IAM Roles setup for Github Actions to access AWS Resources via Github OIDC Provider
18:40 - AWS App Runner Configuration Settings
21:40 - Push Change to Github Repo and Trigger Github Actions to see deployment in real time
00:00 - Introduction
01:00 - What is AWS App Runner and explanation of Github Actions pipeline
05:55 - Add GitHub Actions in NodeJS Repo and deploy to AWS App Runner
15:22 - IAM Roles setup for Github Actions to access AWS Resources via Github OIDC Provider
18:40 - AWS App Runner Configuration Settings
21:40 - Push Change to Github Repo and Trigger Github Actions to see deployment in real time
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