Drone strikes on Saudi Aramco facilities 'serious threat' to global security: Seoul

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정부 "사우디 원유시설 공격은 심각한 위협…우려 표명"

Meanwhile, the South Korean government is concerned that the attacks on Aramco's facilities poses a "serious threat" to global energy security.
A Foreign Ministry statement on Monday,... criticized any attack on key energy facilities.... adding that Seoul will keep a close eye on further announcements from the Saudi Arabian government as well as from Aramco.
The Ministry of Trade, Infrastructure and Energy is set to hold an emergency meeting over the matter this afternoon.

#Drone #strikes #Saudi #Aramco #facilities #serious #threat #global #security #Seoul

Рекомендации по теме

Look for the hand of Qatar in these attacks. For many, many years Qatar has been trying to drag the west into a full-scale war against Iran. To this end the Qataris have always played a devious double game. By cultivating a relationship with the Houthis they can provoke a war between Saudi Arabia and Iran into which the west would be dragged. This enables Qatar to sit back and watch as an unaffected ‘neutral’ while all hell breaks loose. Once the fighting is over someone will have to husband Iran’s South Pars gas fields, who better than Qatar Gas? Do not be fooled by Qatar’s tactics they are now, and have always been determined to take down Iran.
