REST API with MVVM and Retrofit2 #16 - Network security

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💥 In this video, we will learn how to configure network security in our app using #retrofit.

Here's the specifics of what you will see in the course:
✔ Communicating with a webservice (rest api) using Retrofit2
✔ MVVM Architecture: ViewModel, Repository, Client structure
✔ How to design an architecture
✔ Singletons
✔ Custom Loading Animation ProgressBar in Recyclerview
✔ ViewModels and AndroidViewModels
✔ Multiple View Types in a Recyclerview
✔ RecyclerView Pagination
✔ Building Custom Toolbars
✔Customising Toolbar Behaviours with CoordinatorLayout & AppBarLayout
✔Observables, LiveData, MutableLiveData and MediatorLiveData
✔ Displaying Images using Glide
✔ CardViews
✔ SearchViews
✔ Menus
✔ Passing data between activities using intent extras
✔ Executors and Background Threads
✔ ThreadPools
✔ Network Security Config for HTTP (API 28+)
And much more...

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REST API with MVVM and Retrofit2
Рекомендации по теме

Thank you so much, such a great person to make this course for free with specific architecture and advanced technique.


One bilion App. Congratulations. Keep doing that.
I am rolling android environment. Later I am gonna join to your team. Helping translation of the master coding app in my native language. Portuguese


i had a probleme with the network configuration, i delete it, there was another probleme we can't change the page to 2 or other numbers, because you didn't change this part in code of MovieApiClient if(pageNumber ==1) i change it to if(pageNumber !=0), now everything work fine


what is the need for network security?


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