Building Movie App - REST API with MVVM and Retrofit2

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💥🤩 We are going to create a movie app that recieves
popular movies and allow the user to search for specific
movie through the restapi with help of retrofit library &
MVVM architecture.

Here's the specifics of what you will see in the course:
✔ Communicating with a webservice (rest api) using Retrofit2
✔ MVVM Architecture: ViewModel, Repository, Client structure
✔ How to design an architecture
✔ Singletons
✔ Custom Loading Animation ProgressBar in Recyclerview
✔ ViewModels and AndroidViewModels
✔ Multiple View Types in a Recyclerview
✔ RecyclerView Pagination
✔ Building Custom Toolbars
✔Customising Toolbar Behaviours with CoordinatorLayout & AppBarLayout
✔Observables, LiveData, MutableLiveData and MediatorLiveData
✔ Displaying Images using Glide
✔ CardViews
✔ SearchViews
✔ Menus
✔ Passing data between activities using intent extras
✔ Executors and Background Threads
✔ ThreadPools
✔ Network Security Config for HTTP (API 28+)
And much more...

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⭐️ Time Stamps ⭐️
00:00 - Intro
02:22 - Rest Api
10:16 - PostMan Service
21:50 - Credentials Class
30:00 - Retrofit Singleton Pattern
36:00 - Model Class
45:18 - Retrofit Response Object
56:40 - Testing Search Response
01:16:30 - Movie ID Search
01:26:50 - Understanding MVVM
01:40:08 - View Model
01:51:00 - Repository
02:00:30 - API Client
02:09:08 - Executors
02:19:00 - Executing Runnables
02:30:10 - Query a RESTApi
02:40:55 - Network Security
02:50:08 - Layout Item Decoration
02:58:25 - Adapter Class
03:08:50 - RecyclerView
03:16:10 - Solving Errors
03:24:30 - App Bar
03:28:55 - SearchView
03:38:50 - Pagination
03:48:00 - Movie Details Activity
03:58:20 - Main Activity (Getting Popular Movies)

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REST API with MVVM and Retrofit2
Рекомендации по теме

It's showing error when I clicked button to test API response. Showing "missing either @GET URL or @Url parameter"


This is amazing! Continue with these kind of projects :D


You explain in detail, thank you so much. I appreciate.


This guy is awesome.

He's teaching a lot of stuff, explaining them in details and he is doing it for free.

Video liked and subscribed.
Thank you for your help.


I really enjoyed learning from your video😎👍👍thanks for making this type of video


There's no word that can describe what you have done. Beside I used words to say that. Resume the lessons in one video help alot.


thanks for the course, really help me a lot


Happy to having your channel in my subcriber list


Thank you so much for making this video. I learned a ton of things from this video.


Today I finished these lessons, thank you very much


For anyone having issues, change your emulator. This is what worked for me I now use Pixel 4 API 30 but I think as long as it has the play store its ok. Idk why this makes a difference but it fixed my issue with recycler view.


Thanks, brother.. Learned too much from Master coding channel.. 😀


Thanks. It's a really nice tutorial.


Thank you very much for your great effort


I wished to buy the course when I'll make my first money from android developer job but I cannot finish this app because I don't have the missing part from this video. I liked and subscribed


That's a great video.
It'll be a great help to me.
Thanks a lot.

11/25 ~ 25:11


Hello great tutorial. In case we want to request at the same time for popular movies and also the upcoming movies for example to load both of them in different recyclerview in the main page the whole singleton and instance logic doesn't work for us. Am I right? What is the correct way to do that? I understand that in your tutorial you create a diferent mutable List and a different Runnable but isn't it a bit wrong logic? If I had 10 different categories i was retreiving at the same time I would have to create 10 different runnables and mutable Lists? If there is a simple way to solve it please let me know.


Has any solution been found for the retrofit error? 3:18:32. I would like to get original language and media type but both are retuning null in logcat. I have checked it against title so i know the code is good. Please let me know if there is any way to fix this error.


Why did we use @SerializedName annotation when we got movie by name but didn't use that annotation when we got movie by ID ?


Hey @MasterCoding, does it use Room database to save the data cache that I got from server using retrofit? Or it is just use retrofit to display the result and doesnot save the data locally ? Please reply
