Jealousy - The R Spot Episode 19

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"It is your own thinking, that caused you to be jealous, not, what someone has done or have said." This so true! And, "the number one human fear, is, the loss of love" is so true, too!


I like that. Set boundaries and protect yourself. Proverbs 27:4 says, "Wrath is cruel, and anger is outrageous; but who is able to stand before envy?" No one!


There were times that I felt jealous in a relationship if the man didn't make me feel secure with us. Also there were times where I was jealous of "things" that people may of had. Or maybe if someone was popular and easy to like. Where as I was kind of an introverted/shy person. And wanted a personality that was more outgoing. But as I got older I realized that even if I didn't have the exact things that someone had. I could have my own version of it. Once I learned that I was the only one holding me back. An entirely different world opened up for me.

I don't indulge in those feelings anymore. Because I know I can have what I want in some type of way. It's funny because it really goes both ways. While I was envying someone else I found that some people were envying me as well. The not so funny thing is some of those people actually tried to hurt me. I never took it that far, but it sure opened my eyes how dangerous jealously can be. Great message Iyanla!


jealousy can be like mental illness it well usually root from abandonment, insecurity, low-self-worth, self-rejection, self-hatred, fear definitely is in the picture you need God to dig it out let God heal you


This was heavy! I have in the past been the jealous one. I am doing the work to overcome the self worth issues. Jealousy is NOT sexy to say the least!


Mind reader! I was looking for a video on jealousy because I'm currently trying to overcome insecurity issues self esteem and self Image 💞💖💕😘 thanks


Miss Iyanla, your make-up is pretty! You look wonderful.


Iyanla, you hit this on the head, from beginning to end. I'm going to have to watch this video daily for 30days. I need it to soak in my soul and subconscious.


Yes jealousy is an ugly monster. My ex was wounded in a past relationship, as a reault he brought that poison into our relationship -- he used to chk my phone, emails, FB, etc, It was horrible. Had to let him go.


I see myself in both roles, the jealous one and also dealing with jealous people. This came at a perfect time for me. It's something I am fully aware of, and working on. Thank you Iyanla. 💜.


Iyanla, I always find the perfect advice from you at the perfect time 🙂 This video was posted on my birthday and it's exactly what I needed. Thank you so much Iyanla 🌷


I feel jealous when I see others making friends easily and in loving communities and groups of people. It's because I strongly desire that as well and feel as if God or the world is not letting me have it right now and everyone else around me has it . I feel very isolated at the moment and so disconnected from people and like I haven't found my community yet. Due to uncontrollable circumstances (such as corona and being tied to home while others get to return to some form of normal ) I haven't had the opportunity as others in my life to meet new people and grow and I just feel very left behind. So I'm trying to better myself and be patient but it's one of the hardest emotions and situations to deal with because not only do you feel bitter towards the people you love most but it worsens your insecurities and self hate. It's a very bad and dangerous cycle to stay in. I'm trying to remember that we each have blessings at different timings like Iyanla said and see jealousy for what it is, an emotion and not one that has to overtake you.


This is spot on. You are never able to defend yourself. Amen


that "jealous freak" part made me laugh uncontrollably 😂

but great advice as always


My husband has asked me to deal with women who make him uncomfortable. I think sometimes people get it wrong because they are delusional. It isn't always jealousy.


I am all those things she mentioned!! Realising how deeply rooted is so insane! Jesus help me 🙏🏽😭


I am the jealous person and you said it all.. thank you. I honestly feel like I have lost myself. God help me change anf resolve all my issues :'l


My jealousy Is so bad it’s difficult to control sometimes :( but I wasn’t like this before my first relationship back when I was a teen. He was very jealous and possessive etx, he ended up being a complete liar. Betrayed me 💯 and I trusted him open heartedly, thought he was my best friend/soul mate. Cheesy but I really did. I have loved recent partners Way more, but I’ve seemed to adopt some of his bad traits and I can’t shake them off ... I hope I can get past this


You have been a light in the darkest times of my life. From The Starting Over house, then in the meantime, fix my life and now these videos. thank you!


I struggle with self worth issues it seems cause in my relationships the man will cheat and I will leave but keep accepting him back knowing I don't trust him so now I am consistently checking to see if they are telling me the truth.... killing myself esteem oh my goodness ... I keep telling myself it's because I don't want to go from one man to another so I try to work on it... I have also just stayed out of relationships all together to be alone for years at a time but keep drawing the same thing back into my life.... how do I break the cycle
