National Anthem of French-Canada [Retro version]: Ô Canada (two verses)

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(Turn on Youtube subtitles for English subtitles)

Ô Canada is the official national anthem of Canada since 1980. However, for many decades before that, it served as the de facto national anthem for French-Canadians. The song was composed in 1880 by Calixa Lavallée and written by Adolphe-Basile Routhier in French.

The French version of the anthem has completely different lyrics from Robert Stanley Weir's 1908 English version. Most notably, the lyrics reference many pillars of French-Canadian nationalism (up to the Quiet Revolution), such as loyalty to the Catholic Church. The anthem thus has many religious connotations, especially in the 4th verse, which is sung right after the 1st verse in this video.

This version of Ô Canada was sung by the "Quatuor Octave Pelletier" in 1918, and was remastered by me.


FRANÇAIS: Ô Canada est l'hymne national officiel du Canada depuis 1980. Cependant, pendant de nombreuses décennies, il a servi d'hymne national de facto pour les Canadiens français. La chanson a été composée en 1880 par Calixa Lavallée et écrite en français par Adolphe-Basile Routhier.

Les paroles de la version française de l'hymne sont complètement différentes de celles de la version anglaise de 1908 de Robert Stanley Weir. Les paroles font notamment référence à plusieurs piliers du nationalisme canadien-français (jusqu'à la Révolution tranquille), comme la loyauté envers l'Église catholique. L'hymne a donc de nombreuses connotations religieuses, particulièrement dans le quatrième couplet, qui est chanté juste après le premier couplet dans cette vidéo.

Cette version rémastérisée de l'Ô Canada a été chantée par le "Quatuor Octave Pelletier" en 1918.
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Bonne année! Happy New Year, everyone!

This old recording of Ô Canada was recorded in 1918, and cleaned up a bit by me. If you don't speak French, make sure to turn on the Youtube English subtitles, as the French lyrics to Ô Canada are completely different (and better) to the English lyrics. Most notably, the French lyrics are a lot more religious, as they reflect the type of French Canadian clerico-nationalism that was dominant until the 1960s-70s.

Lastly, I wish all my fellow Catholics (and all other churches who celebrate), a blessed Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God (and feast of the Circumcision of Christ)!
À tous mes confrères catholiques, je vous souhaite une bonne solennité de Marie, Mère de Dieu!
Sancta Maria, ora pro nobis.


Merci beaucoup pour avoir telecharge cette version francophone de l'hymne national canadien ici au YouTube! Je suis en ancien immigrant au Canada. J'y ai habite entre juillet 1987 et aout 1993. Que Dieu vous benisse et protege profondement pendant et apres Paques 2024!


I am not Canadian, but I can feel the patriotism of this song. Happy new year!


Growing up in Ottawa we sang both versions.


merci du fond du coeur pour avoir partagé cet hymne nationnal
on m'astinait en me disant que ca existait pas cet hymne uniquement en francais, je m'assurerai de le partager!

merci encore!


Que le Crucifix retourne au salon bleu ! ⚜✝️


Happy New Year! French culture and language in Canada are beautiful


Happy New Year Duke!
Duke of Japan 🇯🇵🤝🇨🇦 Duke of Canada


Happy New Year, Duke. Here's to new successes and of course, good music. 🎉


Will Canada ever be restored to it’s former glory…?😢


Yet no one is clamering to change the lyrics of the french version. We English Canadians need to stand up for our culture and tell the elites to go pound sand.


Never remembered the canadian anthem being this good


I wonder if there will ever be a full modern version with all the parts. I doubt it since the whole anthem is quite incompatible with current ideologies, but it would be very nice. Also, the CAQ political party are a bunch of fools for removing the Crucifix (That we see at the end of the video) at the Assemblée, especially since the room is full of Anglican symbols.


Friendly greetings from the Asatru to the Catholics salutations amicales de l'asatru aux catholiques ᛉ 🤝✝️ and happy new years from America to Canada 🇺🇲🤝🇨🇦 and toast to a prosperous year from the State of North Carolina to the Province of Quebec toast à une année prospère de l'État de Caroline du Nord à la province de Québec 🏴󠁵󠁳󠁮󠁣󠁿🤝🏴󠁣󠁡󠁱󠁣󠁿


Do you have expectation of upload these songs to spotify?


<< Pour le Christ et le Roi ! >>
Oh, Québec.... qu'est-ce qui t'est arrivé ?


Youre welcome 🤗 in the World of Peace coming 🕊️ and daily and nightly


Fourth verse

*Read more*

(English version)
Ruler supreme, who hearest humble prayer,
Hold our Dominion within thy loving care;
Help us to find, O God, in thee
A lasting, rich reward,
As waiting for the better Day,
We ever stand on guard.


Happy New Year! Hopefully the King can make it to The Great White North this year! We need to be reminded of who we are as a nation and a people. I fear Americas undue influence may weaken our system. God Save the King! 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦


Vive le Quebec libre de la tyrannie d’Ottawa et du canada anglais!
