Search Ads: How to Optimize Keywords? 🔍 Tips to Create Successful Campaigns⚡️

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Apple Search Ads is one of the best-paid user acquisition methods. Optimizing keywords can really make or break an entire campaign.

So how to optimize keywords for Apple Search Ads? 🧐

✅ Keyword Match Type (0:50)

1. Broad Match (1:02)
By selecting Broad Match you’re telling Apple that you want to place bids for your selected keyword and other keywords that are broadly related to it.

2. Exact Match (1:27)
By selecting Exact Match you’re telling Apple that you want to place bids for your selected keyword exactly as you typed.

3. Search Match (1:49)
By selecting Search Match you’re allowing Apple to automatically match your app, using its metadata, to relevant keywords and search terms.

✅ Campaign Types (2:18)

1. Discovery:
The goal is to find new useful keywords and target popular search terms that your app is relevant to.

2. General (2:39)
The goal here is to reach a relevant audience who is already searching for your app or an app similar to yours.

3. Brand (2:56)
The goal is to protect your brand and to target App Store visitors who are already searching for your brand and app.

4. Competitor (3:25)
The goal here is to try to get App Store visitors who are searching for your competitors to switch it up and install your app instead.

✅ Keyword Research

1. Tools (4:08)

2. Manual Search (4:22)
You can simply find keywords by typing search terms into the App Store.

3. Search Match (4:53)
Apple’s Search Match will do the work for you as well.
Their AI reads through the metadata that exists in your app’s App Store listing and utilizes that to produce keywords.

💡Bonus tip (5:01): Once you choose a match type to a keyword it cannot be changed. If you see that your selected keyword and match type are producing unsatisfactory results, you have the option of pausing that keyword.
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