Do We Have Free Will to Choose Christ?

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Ask Pastor John
Episode: 307
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Our will is enslaved to sinful desire, it is bondage to sin. Only God can set us free, on by His Grace Alone.


who else was mesmerized by the animation


Faith is a gift from God so that believe
otherwise no one would come to Christ
It's humbling and cause for great joy


This whole thing about mans'free will(to freely choose Christ and receive salvation) and the other side of it where, like Jesus said to peter I think it was., "You didn't choose me, I chose you. " has plagued my heart, soul and mind for about 15 years. It's so frustrating to me that it overwhelms me with confusion (which I no comes from Satan) but the fact that both sides make such compelling arguments it's like my whole being is in a tug of war which leaves me without any peace. I want to want Jesus, I grew up in the church and I kind of wish I didn't, and ended up finding the Truth later on in life. I continually pray that God grants me repentance and the grace to see Him for who He truly is and it has a lifelong/life altering impact on me. I'm so tired of this. God bless you guys. I hope those who are struggling in similar ways find peace with Christ as well.


Wow this sheds light in my unbelief 😥👍 due to our sinful nature we are hopeless - incapable of believing until grace is granted


May God grant us true repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Praise Him!


What a gift! God gave us a free will that would definitely not choose him. Thank god!


Pastor John thank you very much for this answer may God bless you


I grew up in a home in which we went to church occasionally... I knew that we were Christian, but, as a child, my family wasn't actively Christian. As I grew up, I went through a lot of religious doubt. Many things happened to me during my life, but I finally realized that Christianity is the ONLY religion that acknowledges that NONE of us deserve to live forever in Heaven with the Creator of all things. I'm sad, however, for those who grew up in devout Muslim or Buddhist or Hindu households... I had enough exposure to Christ's Grace to KNOW that my Lord is the Truth... but people who grow up devout in their alternate religions, I pity terribly. I don't know how to rationalize their refusal to accept Christ when they've known only one religion all of their lives.


Self determination is not what I think of when I accepted Him. He is the initiator, but I responded.


The sovereignty of God and the volition of man blend together to create a beautiful mystery.


Every Knee Will Bow and Every Tongue Will Confess that Jesus Christ is Lord Hallelujah God Bless ✌


We have a will but not a Good will. We are a salve to sin...

Must be born again!

Christ Alone 😊☝️


I believe the question should be - is every soul given an opportunity to repent and accept God' salvation ? Whether it be by our free will or His prompting


My choice to follow Christ started long before I discovered His grace for me. My choice started when I realized I needed more. Then I started to seek God and I found God. I knocked and He opened. Yes His love and grace was definitely the factor in keeping me from running away from His face when I sinned and helped me to stay close to him. But my choice to keep on looking for his face and discovering the depth of His heart for me was definitely mine.


I saw a meme with picture of Joel Osteen and of you, Brother Piper. Joel had the text 'The Hold spirit is a gentleman, he wouldn't force you to do anything.' and the picture of you texted:' NO.' and I cried because I laughed too hard. I heard your voice booming 'NO!' lol


Decisive factor in receiving the Grace of God is our repentant and penitent heart. With out a repentance there is no remission of sins. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, A broken and a contrite heart— These, O God, You will not despise-Psalm 51:17. A human or a God with out heart is not a human and not a God at all..!! 🙏💐🙌


Very good explanation. Thank . God bless🙏🏼


The decisive reason for our choice is.... we love God back because God loved us first, by giving His Son as a sacrifice for the sins of the world, and that is very clearly taught in the Gospel, upon hearing it! The grace of salvation is made available already for all if we use our abilities to repent and believe in Christ. Sadly, many also rejects Christ despite of that.


That explains it well thank you John Piper!
