The Illusion of Free Will

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What if I told you that free will is a myth? That we are all just a group of atoms who will react to a particular stimulus in a way that can be predetermined? This is what we call free will; is it real, or just an illusion?

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This Will guy should be released immediately. We all know he did nothing wrong. He deserves freedom. #freewill


Reminds me of a speech about how no matter how smart, rational, and calculated your are.
At a life changing decision. You will always go with your feelings.
"Everyone is a slave to their will."


This is why I don't hold on to tension. People only think, feel, and do what they're capable of thinking, feeling, and doing. If you quietly watch people long enough, they become predictable. It's calming. And when they do what you predict, it's like a little nugget of irony and comedy. Everyone has their role. Just laugh it off and keep it moving


my favorite existential crisis channel


So basically, ignorant bliss > informed despair


I would totally listen to a podcast with you in it


the ending is bascially when your friend leak a huge secret about someone's dirt to you and then expect you to still act normal around that person.


"Everything that happens to you has been waiting to happen to you since the beginning of time itself." Marcus Aurelius


Crazy to think that 'destiny', an idea that is so engrained in us as fiction or fantasy, is actually completely true and something we all will follow.


This man is a living intellectual. His content is full of intellectual thoughts. It makes you think and analyze.
Great content.


This is where love for mankind can really come into effect where we show compassion for every singer person, including those we deem 'evil', because they just can't help themselves.


Some of us now may be suffering so immensely due to the fact that people have hurt us. We often take betrayals and ill-treatment from other people so personally and it causes deep wounds. I think an understanding of determinism can actually be very freeing rather than depressing and can heal some of the deepest wounds we have. If we understand that these people didn't know any better or couldn't actually act in the way that would have prevented our pain we can stop taking things so personally and begin to heal. Use this to free yourself from hate and bitterness you might be holding onto. It's one of the best uses of this information.


dude wtf i just found this channel and it’s like if vsauce uploaded regularly i love it


This is true & bizarrely I found out through taking 3 grams of psilocybin mushrooms. During the trip I would receive the answer to a question just as I was about to ask it. It was weirdly funny but I understood that we already know everything there is to know at the level of Super consciousness or the ultimate self. Everything that’s exists is YOU, but the ONE cannot experience itself so breaks itself into infinite particles ( in our case bodies) & lowers its vibration in order to create what we think is reality & in turn we think of ourselves as individuals which in turn creates the ego. What we think of as free will is an illusion because ultimately everything that has ever happened or will happen is already known, but needs to be experienced.


Maybe everything is predetermined, but we simply can’t afford to live based on this idea.


The first time I saw the title of this video, i thought it said "The Illusion of Free Wifi".


This, to me, is the same as potentially finding out that we live in a simulation. It is a shock at first, but then I accept it and I realise that it makes no difference, it changes nothing for most of us in our daily lives. No matter how or why, we still exist, we still coexist. Why would we let this change us if we know that living our lives and being a good person is something we have already been doing for quite some time and that that is something that we are apparently relatively good at? Judging by everything we know, we humans, for whatever reason, are relatively good at building societies and cooperating, why would we let the societies for which we all worked, and still work, so hard to create and maintain fall apart because of something like this? I will simply continue to live my life, I will continue to be me, you will continue to be you and we will continue to be human, will continue to be we. I do not need purpose to be created for me, I can do that myself. Whether that is actually me doing it or my brain does matter, but it also does not. The same goes, or at least, I believe it should, for us all. We can create our own purpose just as we have created our own societies. Again, whether that is our brains doing this for us or not does matter, but it also does not. So, live your life, be a good person in whatever way you can and take care of yourself and others. Whether I am saying that to you or your brain does not really matter, as long as it has the desired affect.


9:40 He does deserve praise, not because of some moral idea, but because we want to encourage more of that behavior from more people.


This is a good round up that condenses the explanation down to 12 minutes.


"There is no free will. It doesn't exist."

Starting to sound like Eren
