NEW ZEALAND SLANG: 110 Words in 5 minutes! Speak like a kiwi (w/ SUBTITLES) 🇳🇿🇳🇿

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The ultimate guide to speaking kiwi! In this video I speed through 110 New Zealand slang words in just 5 minutes so that you can speak like a real kiwi (New Zealander)! Video is subtitled in English in case my New Zealand accent makes things a little tricky to follow! If you would like another kiwi slang video or for me to show you some funny kiwi phrases or classic New Zealand sayings, please let me know by commenting below!

Crack-up = funny
Kiwi = New Zealanders (Also a native bird)
Sweet As / mint / primo = Cool or Awesome
No Worries / All good = It's OK / Not a Problem
She'll be Right = It’ll be fine
Jandals = Flip Flops / Thongs
Thong = G-String underwear
Tomato Sauce / T-sauce = Ketchup
Yeah, nah = No, thank you
Nah, yeah = Yes
Yeah, nah, yeah = Also yes
Cuz / bro / cuzzy bro = friend / mate
Knackered / Rooted / Stuffed / buggered = Exhausted
Long Drop = Small outhouse over a pit, with no flushing mechanism
Jumper = Pull Over / Fleece / Sweater
Hori = trashy
Rank = disgusting
Skux / Skux deluxe = Young male who dresses well to attract the ladies
Cool bro = really cool
Cool story bro = Not a cool story
GC = Good c-u-n-t
Stubbies = Beer cans or short-shorts for men
Dairy = Corner Store
Chur / chur bro = cheers / thank you
Piss = alcohol
Take the piss = tease / mock
OTP = on the piss = getting drunk
Piss head = someone who like the drink
Piece of piss = easy
Piss up = opportunity to drink
Wop-Wops = Middle of nowhere
Tu Meke = Awesome, good job
Waka = Maori word for boat/canoe
Land waka = bus
Loose unit = someone that doesn’t know what they’re doing
Not Even = Not true / doubt it
Ow = gives the phrase more emphasis like not even ow
Gawk = stare
Gumboots = waterproof boots
Red Bands = iconic gumboots made in NZ
Heaps = Lots
Bogan = unsophisticated person
Westie = Bogan from West Auckland
JAFA = just another F’n Aucklander
Squiz = Take a look - "Here let me have a squiz".
Hard out / Hard = I totally agree!
'P’ = Methamphetamine/Ice aka NZ hard drug of choice
Dear / pricey = expensive
Pretty = good looking / quite
Munted = Broken / Not Working / Damaged
Munter = Dumb person
Suss = To investigate, short for suspect - "I need to suss it out first" or "he does look a bit suss"
Chocka / Chocka block = Full or overflowing "the bus is chocka block today!"
Bach (pronounced BATCH) = A holiday home.
Crib = Those in the South Island refer to a Bach as a Crib
Togs = Swimsuit
Eh? = What? Pardon?
Eh = Don’t you think?
FOBs = Fresh of the boat (immigrants, also used by Pacific islanders)
Ware Whare = The Wharehouse department store chain
Chilly bin = eskie/cool insulated bin
Scull = drink without stopping
Hard case = Funny/witty person
A feed = a meal
Angus = someone who has anger issues
Hungus = someone who is always hungry
Faaaa = far out
As = Really (emphasizes previous adjective): Cool as, cheap as, hungry as
Shot = well done / thank you
Honest to G = I swear
Gizza = Give me
Geez = have a look
Sad guy = uncool / mean person
Stink = not very nice
Stink fulla = Not very nice person
Floaties = pieces of food floating in your drink
Pack a sad = sulk
Mean as / choice = awesome!
Straight up = telling the truth
Hiding = beating “wanna hiding bro?”
Ratshit = sucks
Dole = unemployment benefit
Undies = underwear
Grundies = dirty undies
Lolly = sweet / candy
Kumara = sweet potato
Capsicum = bell pepper
Op shops = second-hand stores (opportunity shops)
Bum bag = fanny pack
Tiki tour = look around
Carked it = broke / died
Pakeha = fair skinned / European
Tramping = hiking
Judder bar = speed bump
Ute – small pickup truck
Chunder = vomit
Shame = how embarrassing
Dag = funny person
Scab = scrounging, asking for food or money.
Sesh = smoking marijuana
Smoko = tea break
Wag = be a truant
Pottle = punnet
Rej = reject / loser
Ranga = someone with ginger hair
Egg = dickhead
Boy-racer = young hoon driving around in a souped up car, often found in P. North
Chuddy = chewing gum
Cruddy = run down


If you are interested in New Zealand culture, French culture, life in Paris, or tales from a New Zealander (kiwi) living a long way from home, please ❤SUBSCRIBE❤ for new videos released each WEDNESDAY! ✌✌


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I'm from NZ and i couldn't help but smile during the whole vid.


"Cool story Bro = not a Cool Story Bro"-😂 Haha you nailed that one


Yea as a kiwi living abroad myself using NZ slang just confuses others which can be funny but also frustrating at times. It made me realise how often we use our slang in everyday conversation in NZ and how it is so unique to us.


“I didn’t choose the scux life, the scux life chose me.”

-Ricky Baker

Greetings from California. Thanks for the upload!!


I've lived in nz my whole life, my parents are maori/samoan/pākeha and I hear *most* of these alot😂


Hello New Zealand! I love you and your people. When I was in Afghanistan 8 years ago I had a kind teacher and who was an army man and that time may he was 55 years old. I wish him to be alive and stay fine and strong. In PRT Bamyan province of Afghanistan in 2012. Love you everyone in New Zealand ❤️ And in the final test I got the second position and they appreciated and applauded me and gave me a reward an a certificate and kiwi badge as the symbol of New Zealand. I really love you New Zealand people.


I’m French and I learned English in Nz, when I left the Mount I went straight to NYC, nobody got a word of what I say because of the slang and the french+kiwi accent xD


You made me laugh and I had forgotten a number of these kiwi words. Don't get to use them much down here in Chile either.
I remember introducing myself as a Kiwi when I first arrived and would get weird looks. Quickly I learnt that Kiwi here ONLY refers to the fruit!
(Rob W. - A kiwi in Chile)


i am living in NZ as an international student. Everytime when i have a conversation with some kiwi friends i hear these slangs everytime hahah.
im always like ' what are you talking about?" haha.

this video is gonna help me alot learn kiwis slangs. thanks !


I'm an American linguist and I really appreciate this introduction to the New Zealand dialect a lot. Academically I don't deal a lot with different English dialects, but I am starting to feel a bit more interested in learning about the various colonial dialects (South Africa, New Zealand, Australia, even the New Foundland dialect of Canada). I guess a follow-up question would be: is there actually a lot of commonality between Aussie English and New Zealand English? Some of this slang is pretty wild...


Aww! I'm a proud Kiwi and to Australia, i don't get why they say thongs as jandals I JUST DON'T GET IT! It sounds weird! Does anyone agree?


There is about 40 slang words you used that we also use in Scotland. Well the part of Scotland where I am from. Love NZ 🤙


I first learned English in Palmy, NZ when I was 12 and when I came back to my homeland, everyone thought I was using wrong words and spellings(S. Korea learns English in American way) and I didn't know why I was looked weird as.. I found this video just now and realizing that I did use the ones not on dictionary eh


I didn’t know these were NZ slang, I just thought everyone used these 😄😄


A lot of these are used in the US, as well!

And a bunch of them I've heard of because of the glorious internet


My ex boyfriend is canadian, I loved realising that some of the things I said were unfamiliar to him and enjoyed explaining the slang. He asked “what’s a hard case?” The best explanation I could come up with was someone who’s a dick but you still like them. And he thought it was funny that we “reckon” a lot. He also really liked the use of the work “cruisey” to describe laid back people.


That was brilliant. Amazing to hear because living in nz, you don’t realise how we speak different from others. Thanks for sharing


Awesome. Loved your video. NZ born, have lived in Aussie for the last 13 years, so have forgotten some of the kiwi slang and some of it is new to me... never heard "skux" before


I emigrated from NZ to England and Ireland in 1987 when I was 27, and most of the words I was familiar with. There were some I wasn't familiar with such as Skux etc. However, pre-1987, I was well aware of how we ended most sentences with eh, She'll be right, Yeah ah G'day etc, BUT one thing totally blowsme away. My brother from Australia came to visit me in Ireland about 4 years ago, and when I drove him around Kerry in the car, he noticed I kept saying Yeah nah. I was never aware of it until then, and found out later it came naturally. What I am trying to say is.... How long has the Yeah Nah expression been going. I had never really been aware of it until my brother mentioned it, and it was never an issue when I livedin NZ. I also have hardly met any NZers in the past 30 years, apart from when I moved back to NZ for 2 years about 15 years ago. Its really strange this


From america, and a load of these are used.. everywhere? I hear Canadians using the majority of them as well, some of them however I rarely hear or have never heard. So that was cool. Nice video
