My wife stopped talking to me and I think its over

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I read and heard a saying "when women argue, they are still trying. They still think there is hope. When they stop talking (what men term as 'nagging') she's done. She no longer cares." Men are happy that she shut up and stopped 'nagging' but that's a sign of the end.


Broken communication leads to Resentment.


I had a boyfriend that would get angry and shut down without communicating. Keyword being "HAD" a boyfriend because I dumped him after that. Communication and coming to an understanding is KEY!! We'll always have different perspectives but we both have to agree to come together and be on one accord.

EDIT:For everyone who asked if I ever thought about where he was coming from, or that I should have played the role of his "Psychiatrist" just know that I have moved on to a happy, reciprocal and loving relationship with someone more compatible for me. He emailed me a few months ago letting me know that he was still single. In other words, (And this is for anyone) don't waste time, find your happiness!!! ❤❤❤ #NotMyProblem


Comprehension… you can communicate until you’re blue in the face but how you take in the information matters just as much. People will quickly project their thoughts/words and put them on to you.


I love that you are saying this because with my ex, no matter how gentle I tried to be about sharing how I felt, conversations with him always felt like navigating a minefield. I would be terrified of saying the wrong thing, being cursed out, misunderstood then going on "punishment" indefinately where he would give me the silent treatment or treat me poorly. He never figured it out, but I finally found the strength to leave the stress and toxicity. Hearing you come to this realization feels so good. Just knowing what that's like and seeing that God is delivering us from it through His Grace (one way or another). God Bless you and your wife. ❤


Going from a friendship to a relationship is quite an adjustment on both sides.


I’ve been in a relationship like that. He use to get offended from everything but he wasn’t into communicating. We dated 4 years and I was like we need to go our separate ways. We didn’t have any kids so it was easy to let that relationship go.


I had a boyfriend that would completely stop talking to me when he didn’t get his way, I had to end it I can’t handle that, Constant attitudes and ignoring me ! I feel like my life revolved around his emotions


I completely understand and can relate to what you're saying. I was married to a man who felt that he was always right about everything. He just wouldn't listen. If I expressed my feelings and opinions.. he'd accuse me of always disagreeing with him and working against him. Disrespecting him. But I wasn't. Things got bad enough that we even went for marriage counseling. He would go through the motions of attempting at better communication. Not being so argumentative.. but it never lasted long. After a while he'd be back to his old self. So.. eventually.. I just shut down and gave up on it. I moved out and divorced him. And you know what? We got along better (as "friends". purely platonic) after we split. Crazy, huh? I moved on to live my best life and have been fine ever since.


I’m glad you guys worked it out, we’re all growing


Communication, comprehension and action. I shut down when I have to keep repeating to my partner about something and they don't do anything about it. I hate repeating myself and it starts to feel like I'm not being taken seriously because why won't you listen and apply what I've said? And once I've shut down it's already too late. Takes a minute for me to get there but when I do.... it's late.


For years I walked around on eggshells and when I left my ex husband, I found my voice again. He didn't like it at all, but after years of being silent about everything, I learned to speak my truth without fear.


This is true. I eventually walk away from ppl who make speaking what’s on my mind & heart uncomfortable. I will most definitely try to work it out but when I see some ppl are just set in their ways that’s when I realize I gotta walk away. Glad that you have an awareness because that’s the first step to working things out.


Communication and comprehension. Body language and tone within communication.. learn to adjust, change, compromise, remain as calm as possible. Take time out to think/rethink and digest. This will continue all the days of your life, your marriage.


I watched my parents do this for years and I started doing it in my relationships. I think men by nature do not like criticism, but you have to be open enough to have those convos bc yes, she will just stop talking. I have a hard time explaining this to young men.


you play too much bruh, Never give up keep pushing and fighting for your marriage.


A lot of miscommunication happened between my ex and I. Mostly because he will stop talking to me or keep quiet not explaining what's or what I did wrong. At the end of the day, I dumped him. Feminine energy from dudes (especially toxic) is such a turn off.


I'm going through that right now, whenever use to try and have a genuine conversation with him he stays on the defensive he takes everything personally he's mad every 5 Seconds and he literally wants me to agree with everything and when I don't he treats me like I'm his enemy I am currently in the process of shutting down and accept me so self-absorbed he doesn't know or doesn't care and that's hurtful I've left him before and HE STILL DOESN'T GET IT don't I have made up my mind next time I leave I'm not coming back he is who he is and that is just the way it is


I think sometimes people do realize exactly what they are doing to keep you from bringing up subjects they don't want to address


I think some couples actually need to have a timer on for 1 minute or two minutes that allows one person to talk without any interruptions and when the other person responds, they have to respond respectfully.
