Back Up Power: How to Protect the Food in Your Freezer During a Power Outage

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Do you know how to protect the food in your freezer from spoiling when the power goes out? Knowing how to keep it frozen can make all the difference. In this video, we share helpful tips to that may save your precious frozen foods during a power outage.

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Great video! I have both...a chest and upright freezer. I also have the jackery 1000. Here’s a great story for you: We recently moved. We literally loaded our chest freezer (full of food) on the moving truck. We plugged it into the jackery during the day while we drove. At night we would recharge the jackery in the hotel room. Next morning plugged the freezer back into the jackery. We did this for three days on a cross country move..worked like a charm!


I'm so glad that someone stated the idea of freezing jugs of water! I live alone and don't have very much frozen foods. I have several jugs of water in my freezer. In the hot summer months I simply take out a jug, turn it upsidedown, and place it in my potted plants outside. The sun melts the ice & it waters my plant all day long. Many horticulture "shows" do this underneath some peat moss so their plants stay fresh for the weekend. Those same jugs of water have helped when the power goes out by keeping my freezer cold longer. It's saved my frozen foods through several hurricanes.


Thank you for the information. I can't believe it took me like 20 videos to find the exact and necessary information I was looking for. Great job for making it simple enough for everyone to understand. You're definitely in the right field of work.


We've survived extended power outages by running our generator only a few times a day - 2 hours in the morning, 2 at noon, and 3 or 4 at night. That allows us to keep the fridge/freezer cold, run the well pump, take showers, cook, etc. during those times. The wood stove keeps the house warm so we don't run the furnace. We went about a week this way and used less than 10 gal of gasoline.


I think this is the most helpful clip I have seen on freezer efficiency


Provident Preppers, thank you for the freezer video. In my opinion, freezers are like a hedge against the rising inflation and shortages. Every time I add food to my freezer I feel like I'm making a deposit at the bank. Food spoilage would be as if my bank had been robbed.
I have a solar setup on my house that has a large LG battery backup. Also, I had my solar company install an EMP device on my system. To better protect my food supply, I put my two freezers on separate house circuits. Once again, thank you for your insights and may God Bless you and your families.


Your son did a great job! I look forward to seeing more videos with his scientific explanations.


Nice to meet your son, thank you guys for the helpful information, take care and God bless


This is such an important topic. So many people think in terms of SHTF, but there are everyday things that cause you to lose your freezer. For me, it was shutting the freezer door but having things shift that popped the door open. I lost everything. Now, I have one of those freezer monitors that sends a message to my phone if the temp goes above 20F degrees. I also got a portable freezer cooler. I can use it for camping, but usually keep it plugged in for things that can survive without cooling (bread, nuts, etc), but those would be replaced with the expensive proteins if my main freezer goes out. Sort of like the multiple freezer idea here. I’ve found it to be very reliable - going on 6 mos.


Love the stretchy pants comment. We once lost power for 8 days during a hurricane.. and I had just bought a lot of meat about 3 days prior. I knew I was going to lose the meat so I started cooking it. No use wasting it so I shared with the cat.. I had a hard time getting him to eat Friskies again, lol.


My freezer runs off my Titan solar generator 24/7. The solar generator has never gone below 89% charge. But I haven't had 5 days of straight clouds yet. So it does require monitoring.
It is really helpful that you are showing real life use. I have the same temp monitor.


I live in a cold climate so my hot garage is very seldom hot, but my garage is great in the winter as that is when I have more power outages.
This was an excellent video! Thank You


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again I love my Kill a Watt meter. The best $20 I’ve ever spent.
Thanks for covering this topic again.
Love the wireless thermometer. No need to open to check temps and bonus there is an alarm you can set to warn you if the temp increases above certain temp. 👍👍


Great video guys, right up my alley with my two chest freezers. I love that temp gauge, will get one of those soon. Nice to know a bigger power unit like that might do the trick in a pinch. Although my main way to "protect" my frozen food is to not have to freeze so much with my dehydrated ground beef hack saving my having to get two more chest freezers, oldest meat is at 8 months now, and still super good. Meat is on sale this week, so will be stocking up again.

Course if funds and space were no object i'd like to have two more and a fuel genny to have just in case, but that'll have to wait till I get out of the apartment. Honk for those truckers up here in the great white north & you guys are having a convoy going across the USA, soon too!! Many Blessings!!


I've got plans to do a couple things... generator w/ fuel, solar generator, Camper freezer. OR... worse case if it looks like it might be longer outage... start canning like crazy. I have propane stoves for this. Yikes. Thanks for teaching people... there will be hard times ahead and we have to think of these things.


We’ve always kept frozen milk jugs in the freezer for that very purpose. We even have a contingency fund frozen in a block of ice.


Ha ha! Stretchy pants!!! Such a fabulous invitation! Good info guys. I mostly depend on our generators. But One thing we invested in was severely really good Yeti coolers, we can pack them tight and seal closed if it’s winter, outside goes the frozen foods, summer, they keep stuff frozen for many many days! If you are looking for a more budget friendly option Arctic makes great alternatives to the Yeti.


It’s been a long time since I’ve been in a science class. That graph and explanation really helped me understand the importance of staying below freezing. Thank you


Thanks for speaking my language (science lol)! And all of those were reasons I bought a chest freezer. For my job I work with the other side of the temperature scale and use steam table data for efficiency and fluid/thermal dynamics. Same principles, but adding heat rather than taking it away.

Another great vid. Thanks guys!!!


Thoroughly enjoyed this educational video. You work great together. I've just ordered the wireless temperature alarm. Thanks
