5 Reasons Why You Fail Your Native Camp Application | Watch This & BE A NATIVE CAMP TEACHER!

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Want to be a Native Camp teacher? Well, that can be done provided you avoid the common reasons why applicants fail! This video will cover the top 5 reasons why people don’t get in despite trying sooo hard.

To be clear, Native Camp is known for being a company that’s difficult to get into (especially the demo lesson part). A lot of posts and comments on social media revolve on failing the language proficiency exam, the system check or the demo class.

Thing is, if you know the reasons why people don’t get in, we can take a preventive approach to make sure these things don’t happen to you!! So…. what are you waiting for? Learn from this video!

00:00 INTRO
01:25 REASON 1
03:37 REASON 2
05:15 REASON 3
06:30 REASON 4
07:43 REASON 5

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Then send me an email if you want tips or if you have questions on how to pass :) Will send you everything you need!

or add me on WeChat ID: Karen_AA1989
#NativeCamp #NativeCampTips #ESLTeacher #ESL #ESLTips

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I passed my Demo Lesson last night with the first attempt! After watching you, I really made sure I went over all of your Trap Question videos and various other videos on YT to help me prepare, I watched and studied every video like 10 times to make sure I didn't miss a thing! 😅 When I finally felt ready I went on stand-by and waited at my desk for almost 2 hours! (again something you prepared me for), but that was the most nerve-wracking two hours 😄. FINALLY THE BELL WENT OFF! And I was lucky enough to get a really nice admin 🙂. The Demo was 3 minutes long! (I did the first word on the Words and Phrases section and she asked me one trap question about simple past and future tense). She ended the Demo and congratulated me on a good demo lesson. I immediately got a message that I passed!! So thank you Teacher Karen! I'm very excited for this journey!


Hello Teacher Karen! I am usually very easily nervous when talking to strangers, and this anxiety is amplified during interviews. Learning about this ESL platform through your videos have helped me gain a bit more confidence in trying out for this. I watched this right before my demo, and my first "student" was the rather famous Mr. Francis. I was able to answer his pop-up questions, though my lightbulb chose the wrong time to suddenly go dim, so for that he asked me to retake (but he complimented my teaching, so WHEW). Had I not listened to your videos, maybe that could've gone worse hihihi. Thank you again Teacher Karen :)


Thank you Teacher Karen! I'm planning to apply as a tutor at Native Camp, thank you for all your tips and advice. I was really nervous at applying but your video helped a lot to ease my nervousness. Thank you so much!


I would like to share my bad experience applying at Native Camp. I believe Native Camp demo teachers are doing their job. Except for this one guy, I will call him Francis. This dude never tried to turn on his camera, but we went on our first demo class nevertheless. On my first attempt in just two minutes he pointed out my mistakes so, I failed. On the second attempt, he called himself John, he too did not turn on his camera. He tried so desperately on changing his voice but I already knew that this guy is the same Francis dude of 10 minutes ago after the first demo. After making the adjustments per suggestions from "Francis" I asked, "Is my speaking pace too fast, or would you prefer I go slower?'" John answered, "It's ok." So I started the demo smiling and ready. In less than a minute he shouted, "STOP! STOP! STOP! You don't sound "energetic" I'm sorry but you failed the second demo." I asked, "Did I ask if my speaking pace was too fast, or would you prefer I go slower? And then you said that "It was ok."? He answered, "Yes, I did." Then I told him that If I did not sound "energetic" then he should have said so when I asked the question in the first place so that I could have adjusted so I could sound "energetic" for him. He mutes the audio right away! It was silent! I told him, in short, that he was "so unprofessional"! I'm just sharing my two cents here. Btw your baby is cute! Congratulations teacher Karen.


Hi ! I recently applied to native camp but my introduction video keeps getting rejected for inappropriate clothing. In my last video i was wearing a suit and a shirt 😞. I literally cannot understand why there is so much focus on clothing rather than the content of the video and the language skills.


Hi Teacher Karen! I love your tips on getting into an ESL company, actually, I am a Public teacher but I want to explore more in teaching like in esl :D <3 I hope I will pass my interview at another company


Hello Teacher Karen, I wanted to reapply again but because admin francis failed me a year ago, there's this lingering trauma that I had experience. I had a very bad experience with him, he wanted me to rush the demo and he won't even give me a chance to answer his question like he immediately calls for my mistake and ended the call. He is very rude and I hope I won't encounter him again if ever I'll continue with my re-application and your baby is sooo cute. Thank you so much for the helpful videos! :)


Your videos were really helpful teacher. Thank you for sharing.


I love these straightforward advice from you, Teacha! Thanks
Also, pakurot pala sa pisngi ni baby hahaha... so cute!


Teacha Karen, hello!
Adorable baby btw❤
I had the demo lesson with MAY at least she called herself that and she congratulated me on the perfect demo lesson and I passed this but the next day I got this message on my email:
After consulting with other teachers we decided not to accept your application. It is not about your nationality but it has to do with the teaching.
I am confused!


Hi! Teacha Karen, I just had my demo with Sir Francis and I failed. It was my second attempt and he didn't give me another chance. :( He said that altho my teaching style is good and was able to answer his question but I wasn't able to use the chat box efficiently. :( Still, I don't want to give up yet. Is it possible to re apply using different email within this week? or should I wait for 6 months to re apply?


Do they conduct demo class at mid night or night?
In my location timetable, they show availability 24/7 but I think that might not be the case, thank you!❤


hello teacher karen, Im already done with my demo yesterday and one of the admin told me to wait for the score and she didnt tell me if I failed it after the demo and on the website it says wait for 24-42 hours for the score and when i checked just now it went back to learning kit and I couldn't find the button to access the demo class but it didn't say I failed.


i just wish the possibility for reapplying wasn't a whole 6 months, like why so much and when telling me i failed couldn't you tell me why???


Hi Teacher Karen. I wanna ask some questions if by chance you have encountered something like this. I just checked my demo status and it says there "fail" but I also received an email an hour ago saying, "Thank you for choosing NativeCamp as one of the prospective companies
you want to work with! You are only a few steps away from becoming a teacher.
< Final process and subsequent flows>
Please accomplish these 3 steps before the deadline, November 3, 2022." I am just so confused with this one because it's already written in my demo status "fail". Does this mean I have a chance? Please help me, teacher Karen.


Hi teacha karen, I watched almost all of your videos and it helped me a lot during my demo at native camp. You were right, admin Francis asks a lot. But somehow, because of your videos, I have managed to pass with Francis. But right now, I don’t have score yet. Do you think they’ll give me a passing score?


A year ago I feel demotivated mag balik esl but Looking at your videos I feel like going back


Hi teacher Karen I'm about to take my demo class and I need tips on how to pass on the first try please help


Can you choose your own textbook or does the admin select your textbook?


After my 3rd demo I was told everything was great, and I just have to wait for the next step and wait for their email. But i went back to the page and see 'fail'.

So i emailed them and they said they can't tell me the reason why I failed 🤷
