Helldivers 2 - CEO on FREE Warbond, Reviews Sink & Player Count Drops!

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Hey, let's talk Helldivers 2 News & Latest Update! CEO Awnser Question on FREE Warbond, Reviews Are Now Mostly Negative, Players Are Dropping, Terminids!

0:00 Intro
0:23 Reviews Plummet into Mostly Negative
1:05 How Did Helldivers 2 Get to This Point?
4:46 Arrowhead Continues to Repeat Mistakes
6:29 Former CEO Admits They Failed with a Previous Game
7:09 Game Launched with Bugs just Like HD2
8:01 CCO Had to Worked Overtime
8:40 Their Plan Wasn't Good Enough At the Time
9:18 Mech Suit Orginally Had This
9:42 Devs Were Haunted
10:18 Shams Responds to Free Warbond Question
10:47 Developers Are Now Cooking
11:45 Top Comments

🎮 What's this game? The Devs Wrote "
HELLDIVERS™ 2 is a 3rd person squad-based shooter that sees the elite forces of the Helldivers battling to win an intergalactic struggle to rid the galaxy of the rising alien threats. From a 3rd person perspective, players use a variety of weapons (pistols, machine guns, flamethrowers) and stratagems (turrets, airstrikes, etc.) to shoot and kill the alien threats. Players can also aim down the sights for a more accurate 1st person camera view. Combat is accompanied by frequent sprays of blood and dismemberment as players exterminate the alien forces or players and squad mates are hit by environmental explosions or friendly fire. Enemy encampments and battlefield environments depict bloodstains and dismembered corpses.

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I used to be a Helldiver like yerselves, but then I took an arrow to the head!


I never thought I'd see a reverse No Man's Sky situation.


Devs patched the game from GOTY candidate to "Heres our 60 day plan to bounce back"


Durable damage was only supposed to apply to squishy body parts that weren't supposed to be critical. Now it is being used to keep their toughest monsters invulnerable to all but a few choice weapons. Even if the weak spot is directly targeted, and you penetrate the armor, you have to chew through the durable damage the devs have blessed their sacred cows with so you die to those monsters more often. Durable Damage still isn't mentioned in game, you have to go to 3rd party sites to learn how it works. The devs have said that they abhor META weapons but have in fact baked META weapons into their game and tell us that we are wrong when we call them out on their abuses.


"And we may revivist that"

Bro I got bug breaches and bot drops dropping right onto my nuts as soon as I land in any mission but I can't have shrapnel damage on my erruptor? Get the fuck out of here


If Arrowhead is a doctor, then what they've been doing with HD2 should be considered medical malpractice and they should have their medical license taken away


We are not patients we are paying customers and if you ignore the paying customer your game deserves to burn to the ground as it has been


Honestly, Escalation of Freedom should've had a free warbond attached to it. They marketed it as a major change, which, sadly, was for the worse.


Eruptor was the most fun i ever had in Helldivers. I saw the warbond trailer for it, got super excited, saved up medals until i hit cap and picked it up the instant it was out. I LOVED that rifle, it was so much fun to use.

Aaaaand then they killed it, and with it my entire enthusiasm for playing the game as my shiny new toy had turned into a steaming pile of poo...
And now they are like: "fixing the Eruptor is not a priority right now, we got more important matters to think of"

Cool, i got better games to play than Helldivers, bye


I hate that Helldivers is suffering, but can’t help but embrace the schadenfreude of the “gItGuD” crowd suffering the consequences.


People like to talk about a no man’s sky bounce back or a final fantasy 14 even, but then conveniently left out that these games have revamped and even updated their engines over the course of YEARS along with staff changes and good will from the development team.

This current development team talks a good game but it’s inadvertently turning players off because it’s all talk and nothing to show for it


The doctor-patient comment literally boils my blood because doctors ignoring patient feedback is literally one of the major causes of chronic illness. The amount of ego needed to say something like this is unreal


the dooctor pacient analogy by AH: your doctor thinks you move too fast throo life so he breaks your left leg, when you complain you are limping and prefering the other leg, he procedes to break your other leg too...


Most of their staff are STILL on vacation. When they said "the team are coming back from vacation" they meant over the next few weeks most of the people would be coming back.
The fact that they are trying a 60 day patch or bust strat with a stunted workforce absolutely baffles me.


I’m a lvl 119 so have tolerated a lot of pain, but am giving up and playing Space Marines 2 as soon as it’s released. It feels insulting that our concerns have only been answered with nerfs.


AH: *nerfs flamethrower in one single day*

Players: "Please stop nerfing everything you see and leave us alone!"

AH: "we can't revert ""fix"" in just one single day, it's a complicated change"

Player: "Okay we will wait one week but please give us back the old flamethro..."

AH: "60 DAY PLAN!"

Players: "what?"

*3 weeks later*

Players: "Arrowhead? A... Arrow...
h-head? Hello?...


I know one thing for sure. I'm never buying another Arrowhead game again


It's funny how I discovered this channel as a 'I wonder how Helldivers is going' mood and now I'm watching a plane crash with the pilots telling the passengers 'we're not crashing trust us'


I've never seen a studio literally drive a successful game into the ground like they have with their post-launch support


The game died before we ever saw the illuminate 😂
