The Power of Ketones!

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Many people are also choosing to live a 'Ketogenic lifestyle' based on the science of the potential benefits for health, performance and possibly even fat loss. Ketones are made in the liver from the breakdown of fats and circulate throughout the blood to be metabolized or used as energy. The body will use glucose up first but upon depletion and more Ketones, you will go into Ketosis. The Ketogenic diet promotes high levels of healthy fat, moderate protein and very low carbs; it's very strict but when the shift happens and you start burning fat instead of glucose, you’ve just brought on a more efficient fuel. As it can be challenging to eat a ketogenic diet, exogenous ketones - those ingested from nutritional supplements, like those by Pruvit are used to support a ketogenic diet or used on its own, to keep your body running at peek performance and support stamina, endurance, and recovery.


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Рекомендации по теме

Now it's 70% fat to 30% protein? I did the math and I can't make it work: every meat + eggs has more protein than fat. For every one 300 g beef steak you eat, you'd have to eat 1.25 cups of shredded coconut to get that ratio to 66 fat/33 protein. 3 meals, 3.75 cups of shredded coconut every day just isn't doable.... 😶


Get Ketones naturally not from a package! But as long as money can be made by duping people into a quick fix it will never end. Scam comes to mind here.


What is not being explained is the effects of exogenous ketones are blood level dependent. Implied athletic improvement is simply not possible using 1 package with only 5.85 net grams of beta-hydroxybutyrate. A 170 lb non keto athlete would be lucky to hit 0.2 mMol blood level using 1 pack. Compare that to Team Sky Tour de France athletes who hit 6.0 mMol. That’s 30x difference. At 900 mg sodium per package, it’s simply not possible to achieve blood levels high enough to see performance gains. I agree 100% with the keto diet and despite claims I feel are sketchy, Pruvit has done more to increase awareness of the benefits of a keto lifestyle than any company on earth. For that they deserve credit.
