Play Your First Song On Piano (With Only 4 Chords)

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Ready to have fun on the piano and play your favorite songs, right away? Most pop songs use a simple chord progression, and in this video, Lisa teaches you the four simple chords that will change your piano playing experience forever!

Watch this lesson to feel inspired AND equipped to play the songs you love! We'll start with the absolute basics to get you on track and by the end of the lesson, you'll be able to play songs like Don't Stop Believin' by Journey and many others!

Ready to Get Started on the Piano? Learn how with 4 free and easy lessons!

Learn to play piano quicker with chords! Enjoy 6 free lessons here:

Ready to level up your playing? Get personal coaching tips and structured lessons: enjoy your free 7-day trial to Pianote!

0:00 Intro
1:08 - Getting Started: The C Scale
2:18 - Building Your First Chord
3:07 - Next Steps
3:56 - Putting Things Together
5:16 - Play Along With A Chord Chart
6:46 - Different Positions
7:20 - Add to it!
8:06 - Closing Thoughts

Chord charts:

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Lisa Witt has been teaching piano for +20 years and in that time has helped hundreds of thousands of students learn to play the songs they love. Lisa received classical piano training through the Royal Conservatory of Music, but she has since embraced popular music and playing by ear in order to accompany herself and others. She is a songwriter and recording artist. Lisa’s contagious enthusiasm will have you excited to practice and return to the keys for your next lesson. Her teaching style focuses on you, making lessons encouraging and fun.

#piano #pianolessons #firstpianolesson
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Ready to level up your playing? Get personal coaching tips and structured lessons: enjoy your free 7-day trial to Pianote!


Lisa has the most charming and innovatively new style of teaching piano finally making it fun like no one else!


Can we appreciate how charming Lisa's singing is?!


Hi Lisa. You are a great teacher. Your videos made me buy a MIDI keyboard and a KORG PS700 keyboard. Now I practice every day 5 to 6 hours. Thanks for lessons on YouTube. Although I am 72 years old playing scales and very simple songs, it prevents my hands getting arthritis. Great show...looking forward for more great lessons. Thank you.


Lisa, don´t ever "calm your excitement down". You are the best piano teacher I know, so keep it that way!! :) Thsnls for your great tips!!! I hope I join the pianote community this year from Spain!!!


This Woman Has Literally Taught Me How To Play Piano And Helped Me Upgrade My Music For A Long Time. Thank You For Everything You Do For Us!


You’re my new piano teacher! I’ve played by ear for years but never knew the “math” of what I was actually doing- didn’t care to learn- (teachers go fast and get confusing too fast )but you slow it down for special people like US!! 🤗❤️


After years of failing piano lessons and not picking up anything I had my first eureka moment thanks to you Lisa. You are the absolute best, thank you


Don't stop believin' you folks CAN actually play the piano! Thank you Lisa for inspiring us!


I will not stop believing... that I, in my forties, can learn how to play piano thanks to this lovely and enthusiastic piano instructor, Lisa. Thank you!


You have a really beautiful voice and a charming way in teaching the piano. 🙃


I V VI IV - NOW I FINALLY GET IT! Don't know why I couldn't see it before! SO many piano teachers couldn't do in years what you have done in 5 minutes! Thank you for this! Am now a Pianote student!!


OMG I totally LOVE you.
Dont stop believing is one of my favorites.
We went to a dualing piano bar recently and they were playing that song and the whole audience was singing.
Like they say music is the universal language and you’re the best teacher.


I have been wanting to learn piano since I was very little. I was never able to afford a keyboard until about 2 weeks ago when I was helping a friend that has a second hand store and she gave me the deal of a lifetime. A full 88 key keyboard for just $75. Brought it home that same day and looked on YouTube for a piano teacher and found you ! I knew right away that I had hope to be able to learn from you and I love your excitement it gives me excitement and confidence that I can and will learn. Thank you from the bottom of my heart 💓


I'm really happy that I found this channel. Everytime I'm sitting depressed at my PC and thinking that I could never play piano this channel somehow gives me a little boost. Thank you!


Lisa You make it easy. I am learning so much Thanks, I have paid for your teachings and enjoy it very much thank you much


Thank you so much 🙏 I have started learning piano two days ago and I hope I will not give up. All your video are so informative.


Thank you for this nice and simple lesson visually and with words.😊


First off, I have spent a lot of time playing songs I don't really care for or want to learn. Now I understand, in order to play well I have to learn the song. And I have to learn the rhythm as well. So, investing lots of time trying to learn pieces found in piano progression books is frustrating and self-limiting for my practice. You have opened my eyes to what my practice will look like from now on. I love your smile and your exuberance. You are very motivating and easy to watch and learn from. Thanks so much for all your efforts.


Thank you for being my you tube piano teacher! This was very encouraging!!! You have an incredibly beautiful voice as well.
