EVERYTHING WRONG with Lease Option Agreements!

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Many people are securing lease option deals during these times. However I want to make you all aware of what you need to be looking out for, to make sure that you are not stuck when you come to the end of your lease option. Make sure you understand what to do and act on it so you can be successful with your lease option agreements!


#SamuelLeeds #LeaseOptionAgreements #LOA
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Any trader who preach 💯 don’t know what his doing . Why ? Speculation guess although only the intelligent once Done by a professional for you to make that kinda profits you need to know for certain how markets and stock flows and nobody living has that power but for beginners my advice is to get a professional to trade for you or a mentor, despite my experience I trade with a professional trader, Mr Peter schiff, won’t preach ridiculousness will actually guide you on how to trade .


I had a lot of responsibilities to handlebar my monthly pay wasn’t enough thanks the God I was recommended to my trader, Mr Peter schiff now I have been about trying binary options and it’s been successful ever since I started, all thanks to Mr Peter


To make a successful trading, it’s very necessary you trade with a trusted and reliable and accountable account manager that’s always ready to minimize loss and maximize profits .thats why am certainly proud and grateful having sir peter schiff as my account manager cause I have got good returns


Hi Samuel - why have you removed someone’s comment who provided a negative review to your course on this video? Do you not believe it is immoral to do this and to try and deceive potential customers by removing legitimate negative comments?


Hi Samuel I have few question on it, first question is why the seller will give you property to you for rent on purchase lease agreement, can't he/she rent it by own if house is not selling for so long can't he not do after 5 years why would he give to us, my second question is,


So I noticed u blocked me tyro..I mean Samuel, why is that? Because I was exposing ur lies? Funny Tyrone isnt blocked after I exposed all his lies and how he has been lying to these people that trust and follow u, I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that is because ur him?


Can the leasee/tenant sell the lease option property without seller's consent?


Tyrone where are you Brov?
I’m first today !!!!


Ii am selling my property on a lease option agreement but the buyer has not given me a transaction fee. Should I have one...


Can I sell the property before I purchase? say if I have £100k deal LOA in 5 years time from now, can I sell the house at 120K in 1 year, I exercise the option before?


So could you get around the problem when the seller doesn't want to sell to the company by putting something in the contract in fancy solicitor language, along the lines of "sell to Bob Xyz or any of his companies at the end of the term". Not sure if that's possible/legal?


Your information & knowledge is so helpful!

Great content 👍


Thanks for the info! 👍 Can I ask- what about when the owner's fixed mortgage rate ends and they are then stuck on std variable rate because they're not allowed to access fixed residential rates when they have consent to let, and that amount ends up being more than the 'guaranteed rent' you'd agreed to pay them per month in the PLO agreement? I'm aware that this is the case as it happened with my own house when I was granted consent to let- couldn't get any fixed rates at all because it was tenanted and I was operating at a loss because of it 😔


Hi Samuel. I live in Scotland and it seems the Law Society doesn't permit Lease Option Agreements. I think it's a case of them disapproving, rather than it being illegal though. How would you recommend I proceed?


Hey samuel, ur doing a fantastic job bro, u've completely changed my outlook on property, what i thought wad impossible nows seems VERY possible, and i havnt even been on the crash course but will be seein u on the 26th march. So looking forwatd to meeting u then, but with amount of ur youtube videos ive watched on rinse n repeat, feel like i already know ya lol, great job man see ya soon.


How do you register the Restriction on the title deed on land registery?


Samuel, I am about to buy a new build property under the help to buy equity loan scheme. I plan to live there min 5/6 years. Location is Barking and Dagenham. Could you please advise me if I am making a big mistake? I know new build lose value as soon as you buy it but Do you think that by then ( 5/6 years later), the price of the property will be at least at the price I bought it?.


The Legality of Sandwich Lease Options - USA
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You would've had plus 1000 subs with the amount of times I smashed the like button


What about if the owner doesn't have any mortgage but the property needs refurbishing, which means I can't rent it out straight away but have to pay the owner something in the meantime? The property will be worth a lot more after refurbishing.
